Avengers: Age of Ultron Resources! (+ Printable)


avengersEmily reviewed Avengers: Age of Ultron at Worldmag.com.  If you’ll click “Listen” at the bottom of that post, you can also hear hints from Kevin Harvey, author of All You Want to Know About the Bible in Pop Culture. 

We had a great response to our “cheatsheet” for Cinderella a month ago. Today we offer a similar cheatsheet for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Whether you see this new movie or simply have children fascinated with superheroes, we hope the questions and books below will help your family see Christ pre-eminent in all things! See end of list for printable link.

*Please note: the Avengers film is not only quite violent, but it also contains crude and offensive language. A discussion guide on Redeemed Reader does not connote a universal recommendation. Instead, we recommend parents of kids and teens use caution before allowing their children to see the film. We hope even those who skip this movie can find less problematic superhero fun and discussion in the books below.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Discussion Questions

  • Who is your favorite Avenger or superhero? Why? What makes him or her special? (Hint: whatever his or her great qualities, remind children that those qualities point us to the ultimate superhero, Christ. Many superheroes exemplify self-sacrifice, courage, cleverness, etc.)
  • Who/what was Ultron and why did Tony Stark create him/it? (Hint: Stark says he wants to “go home” and not have to fight anymore. How is that like us? Do we ever take short-cuts to make our lives easier…but then those shortcuts make things much harder?)
  • The Avengers all have faults and weaknesses. But together, they make a very strong team. How is this like the church? (Hint: consider 1 Corinthians 12)
  • In the real world, we don’t have flying superheroes. But we do have a savior and a protector. Who is the real Superhero of history who loves and protects you? (Hint: for older children, consider comparing Philippians 2:5-11 with Revelation 5).


10 Avengers Read-Along Suggestions

The main characters in these ten books are either superheroes or relate to the themes above.

  1. Super Hero ABC by Bob McLeod. Picture book, ages 4-8
  2. Traction Man is Here! by Mini Grey Picture book, ages 4-8 (RR Review)
  3.  Ricky Ricotta and His Mighty Robot by Dav Pilkey. Easy Reader, ages 4-8
  4.  Captain Awesome to the Rescue! by Stan Kirby and George O’Connor. Early chapter book, ages 8-10. (RR Review)
  5.  El Deafo by CeCe Bell. Graphic novel, ages 8-12. (RR Review)
  6.  Almost Super by Marion Jensen. Middle grades novel, ages 8-12. (RR Review)
  7.  Ashtown Burials Series by N. D. Wilson. ages 12-15. (RR Review)
  8.  MindWar by Andrew Klavan. ages 12-15. (Read RR Review for age recommendations/considerations)
  9. The Lamb and the Fuhrer by Ravi Zacharias. ages 15-up. (Read Janie’s review at Worldmag.com, including caution for intense content)
  10. Finally, if your child is very into superheroes and graphic novels, consider checking out The Action Bible! ages 9-15. (read the RR Review)

Print this list!

Avengers movie image from IMDB

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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  1. Christina on May 1, 2015 at 11:47 am

    Thanks for this!

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