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Welcome to Redeemed Reader!
We'll bet you're here because you want to choose great books for those awesome children and teens you know. But where to begin?
We're reading ahead for you--and here's how we can help:
Children's and Teens' Book Reviews
Start with the Reviews page and click on the button for the proper age group. Our reviews generally include the following:
- suggested reading level(s) and recommended age(s), or maturity level. (Sometimes a book written on middle grades (ages 10-12) reading level will have mature content that might be better suited for a teen or vice versa, so be sure to check both.)
- a one-sentence summary at the top of the review to help you decide if the book might have potential for you and your family, classroom, or library.
- a synopsis paragraph, usually the first paragraph and generally without spoilers.
- an analysis paragraph in which we examine a book's literary, thematic, and worldview qualities.
- cautions or considerations about aspects that may be offensive (such as language, disturbing content, violence, etc.) or areas you might want to know about (such as possible discussion topics or related ideas).
- ratings for the book's overall merit with separate numerical rankings for its artistic quality and its worldview. Read more about Our Ratings.
A star indicates excellent content, both artistically and morally/spiritually. We don’t give away too many stars, but you can check the Starred Reviews to get an idea about what we consider excellent.
Looking for a certain genre or interest group? We've got a list of popular topics and categories below the icons on the Book Reviews page.
Looking for great family read-alouds? Click the Read-Aloud button on the review page and scroll down for our top picks for stories that can be enjoyed by a wide age range, from roughly age four and up.
Concerned about a societal trend or controversial issue? “Discussion Starters” are books that introduce big issues, reflect on current societal trends, are required in many schools, or simply are hugely popular. They often contain material we conservatives might feel uncomfortable with, but they are a fantastic way to jumpstart discussion with your particular audience. Most of these are upper middle grades/teen reads. We feel that the books in this category have merit—and not all of them have offensive content!--but do read the reviews closely to help determine whether they are a good fit for your family, small group, or classroom.
Practical Resources
Need educational tips, how to's, or other practical encouragement? We’ve got lots of ideas on the Resources page. It’s kind of a grab bag of booklists, reading guides, and other practical resources—enjoy browsing!
Reflections on Books and Culture
Our Reflections page is where you can find us musing about trends (in the publishing world, in education, in books and reading in general), having extended virtual discussions about particular titles (such as our annual Newbery Buzz series), reflecting on where we see Christ in literature, and, in general, reflecting on books and reading.
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Browse through the information pages and check out our FAQ for a start. You can also contact us directly.