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Frequently Asked Questions

We hope these frequently asked questions will help you find answers to YOUR questions, but if they don't, scroll down for tips on contacting us directly. Note that many of these questions include directions for contacting us for more information about a related question.
Where do I start?
Redeemed Reader has been active for more than 10 years; there's a lot of content on our site! A good place to start is our Start Here page. Want to just dive in with minimal guidance? Check out the "Book Reviews" page for book reviews for all ages; the "Resources" page for resources like book lists, reading guides, and the like; and the "Reflections" page if you're interested in our musings, or reflections, about bookish cultural trends and whatever piques our interest.
What do your ratings mean?
Short answer: we try to acknowledge both the literary artistry of a book and its compatibility with a Christian worldview. Long answer: read all about Our Ratings.
Will Redeemed Reader help me if I'm not a Protestant Christian?
We hope so! While we are unapologetically Protestant Christians, we sincerely love literature and do our best to give a fair review of a work’s literary merit. You may disagree with our analysis from a Christian perspective, but we hope we can find common ground on the merits of various books. Most of the materials we review are from secular publishers, and we hope our reviews help you make good decisions about books for children and teens regardless of your religious beliefs. You can read more about Our Beliefs here and more about Our Philosophy and Practice here.
Can I use Redeemed Reader if I work in a public school or library?
Definitely! While our reviews are filtered through a biblical worldview, most of the resources we review are from secular publishers and should be acceptable in public schools/libraries. Our reviews should provide you with good talking points for conversations with students regardless of their religious backgrounds. We also hope our reviews help you if you are the person who acquires books for a school/public library. We appreciate librarians who go the extra mile to research and select the best books for their communities.
Can I use a product from your site/store with my classroom?
In general, we request that products be used within a family or small group setting. We are happy to discuss bulk pricing and discounts for larger classroom/school use. Just contact us with your particular needs and put "Group Discount" in the subject line.
Can I use one of your reviews on my own website if I link back to Redeemed Reader?
You are welcome to quote a short snippet of a review or other content (and provide attribution back to Redeemed Reader), but you are not allowed to quote an entire review or other post without prior written permission. See our Terms of Use for more information. To contact us for permission, be sure to put "Permission to Use Content" in the subject line.
Can you suggest a substitute for an assigned school book?
We know that schools are increasingly assigning books with which parents are uncomfortable. Sometimes, we parents need to recognize that our kids are growing up and a given school book can be a productive means to that end. Sometimes, though, schools (or individual teachers) will let parents suggest alternative titles. We are happy to offer substitute suggestions when we can or help offer some good discussion topics for an assigned book if it’s a book we’ve read.
Email us your question with the following information: title of book originally assigned, grade level of student(s), gender of student(s), student learning objectives (if known)*, and your student’s comfort level (generally speaking) with potentially heavy/offensive topics such as violence, abuse, bad language, sex, etc. You may also indicate the nature of the problematic material in the assigned book. Put "Assigned Book Substitution" in the subject line of your email. We will help if we can, but it may take some time. (In other words, don’t email us the day before a class is going to read the offending title.)
*student learning objectives from the teacher/curriculum can help us suggest a book that is similar in theme/genre/reading level/etc even if the actual subject matter or setting is different. For an example of how we work through this, see our post on The Kite Runner.
Can I get a custom book list?
We occasionally do a custom book list as a give away, but we have lots of themed book lists already on Redeemed Reader. If you’re having trouble finding a book list by browsing our site, email us with your query, and we may be able to recommend one from our site that fits your needs. Put "Book List Request" in the subject line of your email.
Can I do the Reading Challenge if I didn’t sign up in January?
You can do a reading challenge whenever you want! Our full reading challenge with all four levels is only free from its launch in December until the end of the following January; after that it moves to our shop, but people do buy it all year and work through it on their own time frame.
How do I sign up for your newsletter?
We’re glad you asked! Our readers love our newsletter, especially the book trivia and web links. You can sign up in the form on the sidebar. (The form may appear at the bottom if you're viewing this on a mobile device.)
Where do you get the books you review?
We love our local libraries and boost their circulation stats with our many library check-outs; most of the books we review are obtained through our local libraries. We occasionally purchase books to review, and we are grateful to the publishers and authors who have sent us books to review when we request them. We do not accept compensation to review books. For more information, see our Disclosure Policy.
How do I get you to review my book?
All book review requests must go through the guidelines outlined in How to Get Your Book Reviewed. Please know that we review very few unsolicited manuscripts. Requests made through our regular Contact Form will not be answered.
Do you accept guest and/or sponsored posts?
At this time, we do not accept unsolicited guest posts, nor do we accept payment for posting outside/sponsored content.
Will you link to my {amazing} resource? It’s a good fit for your audience!
We know there are MANY wonderful resources out there for Christian parents and educators. We are not primarily an “educational” site, so we do few curriculum reviews. We are also focused on books; we rarely review other media. As a general rule, we only link to outside resources we have personally used/reviewed and sought out.
Other Questions?
Ask away via our Contact Form. We’ll do our best to respond in a timely manner. Consider using one of the following subject lines (if they fit your query) for more targeted customer service:
- Group Discount
- Permission to Use Content
- Assigned Book Substitution
- Book List Request