Hayley’s Favorite Books, Old and New

We are excited to be partnering with Story Glory Kids for our Winter Book Fair this year! In the past, we linked to amazon for all of our Christmas gift suggestions, but this year, whenever possible, we’ll be directing you to Story Glory for your book-related shopping. Like amazon, we get a small commission. Unlike amazon, you will be supporting three small Christian businesses (Story Glory Kids, Redeemed Reader, and Westminster Books—who helps fulfill the actual orders). Bonus: you won’t see any offensive ads, nor will you be bombarded by sponsored products you don’t want. Our readers get an extra discount during the first two weeks of the sale, so don’t wait!

You can find all of our suggested books on the Story Glory website, but we thought it would be fun to take turns and each highlight some of our favorites from this list. (We curated the entire list, but some of the books are extra special favorites for some of us.)

Hayley’s Favorite Books

This year, I find myself in a season of picking out books for teenagers, adults, and some very young nieces and nephews. There are some I’m getting on the strength of a review –Watership Down: The Graphic Novel, anyone? But when it comes to favorites, well, you asked for it! As I put together this list, I think one theme that stands out is that most of the books below have made me laugh out loud, cry, or at least get verklempt. They are just so good. . . .

Favorite Picture Books:

Old Favorites:

  • James Herriot’s Treasury for Children, by James Herriot -This was a beloved book in our household of animal lovers, read to the point that it fell apart. Thankfully, my mom had a back-up copy!
  • Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink -The story of a plucky heroine who lived in our own state of Wisconsin was a childhood favorite. While I always knew the story was based on the author’s grandmother, I loved learning about the reaction of the real Caddie upon reading it, “But . . . you never knew my father and mother. How could you draw them just as they were?” Carol who had grown up on her grandmother’s stories replied, “Why Gram, you told me.” (Our review.)
  • The Railway Children by E. Nesbit -While Nesbit wrote mostly fantasy, I’ve always loved this “realistic” story by her the most. It was a beloved read-aloud growing up, and I look forward to introducing future generations to the story of the children who live at Three Chimneys and love their railway.

New Favorites:

Favorite series:

Favorite place to read:

Ooh, that’s hard. Honestly, probably in bed! I can curl up on the couch or our recliner, but at the end of the day, curling up in bed with a book is probably my favorite place to read!

Favorite accessories for reading:

Definitely a fluffy blanket! And a warm mug of tea, given the time of year. (Plus some warm slippers or socks … how can one enjoy reading with cold toes?)

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Hayley Morell

Born in a library and raised by books, or rather, raised by a book-loving family, Hayley loves talking and writing about books. She lives in the middle of Wisconsin and works with children as well as with words.

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