Welcome to the Hive!

Enjoy these essays and reflections by the late Gladys Hunt, currently available only on Redeemed Reader! We are honored to bring them to you.
We are also grateful to Mark Hunt and the estate of Gladys Hunt for granting us permission to share these with you. Here's how it all began....
Check back periodically as we continue to add the remaining posts to Redeemed Reader.
Additionally, please consider joining us for our year-long read through of Honey for a Child's Heart, along with select children's books from the book lists in Honey.
- The Mystery of the Library
- Make Your Own Life Bigger
- Books and Stories: Reflections
- Building a Child’s Personal Library
- A Good Book is a Magic Gateway
- Words That Build People
- Watch Your Expletives!
- Grammar Does Matter
- Early Literacy with Preschoolers
- Your Family's "Honey Ratio"
- Recognizing the Good
- The Very Earliest Readers
- Nursery Rhymes
- On Book-Gifting
- Longing for Home
- On Enduring Value
- On Metaphor and Imagination
- On Little Golden Books
- On Shared Adventures
- On Raising Readers
- Boys and Books
- Born to Read
- Reading Intentionally
- On Your Next Trip to the Library
- Sarah, Plain and Tall Series
- Look for Illustrators!
- Never Underestimate a Gift Book
- Hurray for Re-Issues!
- On the Scent of Thanksgiving
- Christmas Books
- Enjoying Picture Books—At Any Age
- The Art of the Picture Book
- Literary Excellence
- On Reading Together
- On Choosing Mother Goose
- On Award-Winning Books
- On the Value of Fantasy
- On Pigs and Possibilities
- On the Music (and Magic) of Words
- Enjoying Poetry With Children