Posts by Betsy Farquhar
A Year in Books: Reflecting on Reading in 2021
A Year in Books: Reflecting on Reading in 2021 Do you track your reading? I’m good at tracking title + author and filling in my reading challenge categories (Grand Slam for me!). I’m terrible at reflecting on what I read, at least in any sort of permanent, written fashion. For the last few years, one…
Read MoreBack Porch Book Chat: Stephenie Pyles (Mom to 8 and Read Aloud Champion)
Back Porch Book Chat: A casual conversation about books. Our guest today is Stephenie Pyles
Read MoreBack Porch Book Chat: Mystie Winckler (Blogger, Author, Podcaster, and More)
Back Porch Book Chat: A casual conversation about books. Our guest today is Mystie Winckler
Read MoreBirdie’s Bargain by Katherine Paterson
Birdie makes a bargain with God in this middle grades book about a girl wrestling with faith, with God’s love, and with relationships. Birdie’s Bargain by Katherine Paterson. Candlewick, 2021. 240 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle grades, ages 9-12 I will love you and Jesus and be a witness in…
Read MoreBible Review: ESV Reformation Study Bible, Student Edition
ESV Reformation Study Bible, Student Edition. Ligonier, 2021, 2400 pages. Reading Level: Teens, 12 and up Recommended for: Ages 12 and up The ESV Reformation Study Bible has been around for years. Based on R. C. Sproul’s notes and teaching, the original version is a hefty tome chock-full of helpful aids, commentary, and meticulous notes…
Read More*Tales from Deckawoo Drive Series by Kate DiCamillo
Deckawoo Drive: Home of Mercy Watson and her Neighbors Even though my children are all teenagers now, and long past the chapter book stage, we still enjoy seeing what the folks on Deckawoo Drive are up to. Mercy Watson lives on Deckawoo Drive with some very entertaining neighbors, and one of Kate DiCamillo’s strongest authorial…
Read MoreFlashlight Reads: Can’t-Put-‘Em-Down Books for All Ages
Flashlight Reads: Can’t-Put-‘Em-Down Books for the Kids (and Grown-ups) in Your Life Christmas break is one of those perfect, read-by-flashlight-under-the-covers breaks, isn’t it? Days are short, nights are long. There’s no homework, which means more fun reading time. If you’re looking for books that are hard to put down, books that practically beg readers to…
Read MoreMeals From Mars by Ben Sciacca
Jim and Malik confront their own prejudices as they simultaneously experience God’s providence in a dangerous, complicated situation in this modern parable for teens and adults. Meals From Mars: A Parable of Prejudice and Providence by Ben Sciacca. NavPress, 2017. 224 pages. Reading Level: Teens/Adults Recommended For: Teens and adults, ages 15 and up Against…
Read MoreFallout by Steve Sheinkin
Sheinkin brings the Cuban Missile Crisis to life in this nail-biting read for young teens. Fallout: Spies, Superbombs, and the Ultimate Cold War Showdown by Steve Sheinkin. Roaring Brook Press, 2021. 352 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10+ Recommended For: Middle Grades and Teens, ages 12+ This is a story about spies and spy…
Read MoreTop Secret by Crispin Boyer and Suzanne Zimbler
Learn what it takes to be a spy in this trivia-packed book from National Geographic Kids. Top Secret: Spies, Codes, Capers, Gadgets, and Classified Cases by Crispin Boyer and Suzanne Zimbler. National Geographic Kids, 2021. 192 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle Grades ages 9-15 Curious about what it takes to…
Read More*Big Questions Series by Chris Morphew
The Big Questions Series raises—and answers—life’s big questions on a level that middle schoolers will understand and appreciate: suffering, life after death, and more. *The Big Questions Series by Chris Morphew. The Good Book Co., 2021. 96 pages each. What Happens When We Die? Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? How Do We Know…
Read MoreThe Barren Grounds and The Great Bear by David A. Robertson
Morgan and Eli find their way through an attic portal into a new land, Misewa, in this engaging series for middle grades. The Barren Grounds and The Great Bear (Misewa Saga books 1 and 2) by David A. Robertson. Puffin Canada, 2020 and 2021. ~250 pages each Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For:…
Read MoreAndrew and the Firedrake by Douglas Wilson
In this allegory for middle grades, Andrew journeys on a quest that includes delights, temptations, and dragons. Andrew and the Firedrake by Douglas Wilson. Canon Press, 2021. 188 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle grades, ages 8-12 When Andrew wakes up, he’s in a strange garden. He’s not sure why he’s…
Read MoreHere, There Be Dragons by James A. Owen
John, Charles, and Jack go to the edge of the world in this wild, fantastic romp through the lands of myth and legend. Here, There Be Dragons (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica #1) by James A. Owen. Simon & Schuster, 2006. 336 pages. Reading Level: Teens, Ages 12+ Recommended For: Teens, Ages 12+ John answered…
Read MoreDragons and Dragonslayers by Tim Chester
Dragons and Dragonslayers by Tim Chester introduces young readers to eight dragon stories along with THE dragon story. Dragons and Dragonslayers by Tim Chester. Canonball Books, 2020. 98 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, Ages 8-12 Recommended For: Middle Grades, Ages 8-12 As the first chapter says, “Everyone loves a dragon story.” There are dragon stories…
Read MoreShop The Good Book Company!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreShop New Growth Press!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreShop Ligonier Ministries!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreShop Rabbit Room!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreShop Moody Publishers!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreShop Indie Books!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreShop Exodus Books!
Readers, as part of our 2021 Christmas Gift Lists, we’re featuring favorite Christian publishers and booksellers. Amazon is a great option for many things, but shopping directly from Christian booksellers and publishers is a great way to support fellow Christians in an industry increasingly hostile to Christians. More of your dollars stay in their pockets,…
Read MoreBack Porch Book Chat: Eli Evans from Exodus Books
Back Porch Book Chat: A casual, virtual conversation about books. Join us as we chat with book lovers like ourselves about a topic we all love! Our guest today is Eli Evans, owner of Exodus Books. He joins us today to chat all things books. Readers, he’s a kindred spirit and has some outstanding suggestions…
Read MoreWonders of His Love by Champ Thornton
Wonders of His Love brings Isaiah’s prophecies about the Messiah down to a child-friendly level in this vibrant Advent family devotional. *Wonders of His Love: Finding Jesus in Isaiah by Champ Thornton. New Growth Press, 2021. 80 pages. Reading Level: Adults Recommended For: Families with kids of all ages, especially younger children Certain passages in…
Read MoreThe Adventure of Christmas by Ed Drew
The Adventure of Christmas offers short, 10-minute family devotions based on the biblical narrative of the first Christmas. The Adventure of Christmas: A Journey Through Advent for the Whole Family by Ed Drew, and illustrated by Alex Webb-Peploe. The Good Book Co., 2021. 128 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: All ages…
Read More*The Dawn of Redeeming Grace by Sinclair Ferguson
Winsome and pastoral, The Dawn of Redeeming Grace is a thoughtful Advent meditation on Matthew 1-2 for teens and up. *The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: Daily Devotions for Advent by Sinclair Ferguson. The Good Book Co., 2021. 160 pages. Reading Level: Teens (ages 12 and up) Recommended For: Teens and up Most of us can…
Read More*Is Christmas Unbelievable? by Rebecca McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaughlin answers four questions everyone should ask about the Christmas story, beginning with the historicity of Jesus Himself. A great resource for teens. *Is Christmas Unbelievable? Four Questions Everyone Should Ask About the World’s Most Famous Story by Rebecca McLaughlin. The Good Book Co., 2021. 64 pages. Reading Level: Teens (and up) Recommended For:…
Read MoreThe Promise and the Light by Katy Morgan
An engaging and thought-provoking retelling of the Christmas story through the eyes of biblical characters. The Promise and the Light by Katy Morgan. The Good Book Co., 2021. 128 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Ages 12-15 (and some mature younger readers) Mary is a teenager who loves singing, telling stories to…
Read MoreA Mad Hatter Book List: Picture Books About Hats
Hat books? Are they a thing? Yes they are, and not all are created equal. Most children love trying on and wearing hats, the bigger and flashier the better. Naturally, they also enjoy books about hats. So, in honor of Mad Hatter Day (October 6), we’ve collected some of our favorite hat books for your…
Read MoreReading Less … In Different Seasons of Life
Is someone at Redeemed Reader telling you to read LESS? Well, perhaps. In our small niche of websites-that-promote-reading, we love to celebrate all things reading, all things book-related, all things wordy. Read more to your kids! Read aloud every day! Encourage your kids to always be reading! Books are awesome! Your child doesn’t love to…
Read MoreSmaug’s Kind: A List of Dragon Books
In honor of Bilbo Baggins and his birthday this week (September 22), we have a book list celebrating his defeat of Smaug, the great dragon: it’s full of dragon books! Most of the dragon books below feature enemy dragons that are defeated; a few feature friendly—or even reluctant—dragons. You’ll find Bilbo himself keeping company with…
Read MoreAttack of the Killer Komodos by Summer Rachel Short
Action, adventure, and chimeras await Maggie and Nate in Yellowstone in the Attack of the Killer Komodos. Attack of the Killer Komodos (A Maggie and Nate Mystery) by Summer Rachel Short. Simon & Shuster, 2021. 240 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, Ages 10-12 Recommended For: Ages 10 and up Maggie and Nate are in Yellowstone…
Read MoreThe Raconteur’s Commonplace Book by Kate Milford
15 storytellers each tell a mesmerizing tale for the Raconteur’s Commonplace book, a book as clever as any Milford has written. The Raconteur’s Commonplace Book : A Greenglass House Story by Kate Milford. Clarion, 2021. 400 pages. Reading Level: Teens, Ages 12-15 Recommended For: Ages 12 and up A storm is brewing outside the Blue…
Read MoreRight Cross by Andrew Huff
John and Christine face the most nefarious villain yet in Right Cross, the conclusion to the Shepherd Suspense Trilogy. Right Cross (Shepherd Suspense #3) by Andrew Huff. Kregel Publications, 2021. 272 pages. Reading Level: Adults Recommended For: Teens, ages 15 and up John Cross has gone rogue. Or has he? Christine isn’t sure what to…
Read MoreFranklin Endicott and the Third Key by Kate DiCamillo
Franklin Endicott learns to appreciate mystery and story instead of worrying in this delightful chapter book from Kate DiCamillo. Franklin Endicott and the Third Key is one of our Readers’ Choice Top Ten Picks for 2025! Check out the rest and be ready to cast your vote in March. Franklin Endicott and the Third Key:…
Read More*Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies by Marilyn McEntyre
Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies makes readers think through how to be better stewards of words. *Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, 2nd edition by Marilyn McEntyre. Eerdmans, 2021. 248 pages. Reading Level: Adults Recommended For: Teens and adults, ages 15 and up Words are entrusted to us as equipment…
Read MoreStones and Stories by Judith E. Anderson
Stones and Stories is a concise primer on literary analysis and hermeneutics, building off the intriguing extended metaphor of stones. Stones and Stories: A Primer on Literary Analysis, Hermeneutics, and Writing by Judith E. Anderson. Resource Publications, 2019. 96 pages. Reading Level: Teens, ages 12 and up Recommended For: Teens, ages 12 and up, in…
Read MoreA Bible Reading Pilgrimage in Three Parts
Bible Pilgrimage, Part 1: Reading the Bible with Young Children Almost 10 years ago (in January, 2012), before Megan and I joined the official Redeemed Reader team, Janie and Emily embarked on an ambitious, read along project: a Bible Reading Challenge.* 48 weeks’ worth, to be exact. As a mom of 3 young children, I…
Read MoreMy Tech-Wise Life by Amy Crouch and Andy Crouch
A teen challenges her fellow teens to make smart decisions about technology in My Tech-Wise Life. My Tech-Wise Life: Growing up and Making Choices in a World of Devices by Amy Crouch and Andy Crouch. Baker Books, 2020. 208 pages. Reading Level: Teens, ages 12 and up Recommended For: Teens, ages 12 and up (note…
Read MoreHigh School American Literature: A Better Approach
High School American Literature: Often Dark and Depressing When I arrived at college, I was absolutely, 100% convinced that British lit was my jam. American literature could stay on the shelf, for all I cared. Ironically, I adored my high school American literature teacher. I just didn’t enjoy what we read in class. Sadly, my…
Read MoreFavorite High School Video Curricula for Homeschool or Enrichment
We are fans of BOOKS here at Redeemed Reader, to be sure. But we are also interested in raising up the next generation of writers who write for God’s glory. Sometimes books are the best resource for educating young people. Sometimes, though, video is better. I am a former classroom educator. I currently educate my…
Read MoreSTEM in the World Series by Marne Ventura
STEM is vital to sports! Ventura shows young readers how physics, technology, engineering, and math work in baseball’s favorite event. STEM in the World Series by Marne Ventura. SportsZone, 2020. 48 pages. Reading Level: Picture Books, ages 8-10 Recommended For: Ages 6-10 The World Series was first played in 1903. Baseball—and sports in general—has certainly…
Read MoreWordsmith Curriculum Review: A Writing Curriculum by our own Janie Cheaney
NOTE: We’re taking a week off our Summer Reading Challenge to think ahead about the coming school year. Welcome to Wordsmith Week! Leading off with this review, in which Betsy gushes over Wordsmith Apprentice, Wordsmith, and Wordsmith Craftsman. A Curriculum Review? We don’t usually review curriculum resources here at Redeemed Reader. And yet. When your…
Read More*American History by Thomas Kidd
Interesting and readable, American History by Thomas Kidd is an outstanding resource for high school Christian students and teachers. *American History by Thomas Kidd. B&H Academic, 2019. 704 pages. Reading Level: Adult, ages 16 and up Recommended For: Teens and Adults, ages 14 and up What seems inordinately significant in retrospect may not have seemed…
Read MoreStrong Voices: Fifteen American Speeches Worth Knowing, selected and introduced by Tonya Bolden
Strong Voices shares fifteen great American speeches from men and women throughout America’s history. Strong Voices: Fifteen American Speeches Worth Knowing, selected and introduced by Tonya Bolden, illustrated by Eric Velasquez. HarperCollins, 2020. 128 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Ages 10 and up (note considerations!) “The Gettysburg Address.” “Give Me Liberty…
Read MoreLoot and Sting by Jude Watson
Loot and Sting are light-hearted “heist” novels for middle grades. Loot and Sting by Jude Watson. Scholastic, 2015 (Loot) and 2017 (Sting). 272 pages (both). Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 March has been well educated by his father; he knows how to pick locks, dodge and evade capture,…
Read MoreCity Spies Series by James Ponti
City Spies is a fun, middle grades mystery series featuring undercover teen spies from around the world, each with a special talent. City Spies Series by James Ponti. Aladdin. City Spies (2020). 378 pages. Golden Gate (2021). 432 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle grades and up When Sara is rescued…
Read More*Recovering the Lost Art of Reading by Leland Ryken and Glenda Faye Mathes
Recovering the Lost Art of Reading invites readers to reconsider how and why they read; it offers ideas and suggestions for Christians who want to read for the true, the good, and the beautiful. *Recovering the Lost Art of Reading: A Quest for the True, the Good, and the Beautiful by Leland Ryken and Glenda…
Read MoreSummer Reading is Here!
We’ve been planning Faith & Fortitude, our 2021 summer reading program, for months, and it’s finally here! We officially begin on Monday, June 14th–that’s this coming Monday! It’s not too late to join in the fun (even if you’re reading this after Monday). Read on to find out more about our 2021 summer reading challenge.…
Read MoreThe Overthrow Series by Kenneth Oppel: Bloom, Hatch, and Thrive
The fast-paced Overthrow sci-fi series by Kenneth Oppel raises interesting questions for young teens. The Overthrow Series by Kenneth Oppel. Knopf Books for Young Readers. Bloom (2020); 320 pages Hatch (2020); 416 pages Thrive (2021); 416 pages Reading level: Teen/Adult, Ages 12 and up Recommended for: Ages 12 and up A strange rain drops seeds…
Read MoreThe Great Gatsby in Graphic Novel Form
Hayley and Betsy discuss the excellent, new graphic novel adaptation of The Great Gatsby adapted by K. Woodman-Maynard (Candlewick, 2021). First Impressions of The Great Gatsby Graphic Novel by K. Woodman-Maynard Betsy: Hayley, you and I both read one of the new graphic novel adaptations of The Great Gatsby this spring. The Great Gatsby hit…
Read MoreTeaching Kids Church History
Today, we’re happy to welcome a friend of mine and fellow writer, Christina Fox, to RR. Christina is a real life friend of mine, as well as a writer, blogger, coffee lover, and homeschool mom. She is the author of A Heart Set Free: A Journey Through the Psalms of Lament (Christian Focus 2016) and…
Read MoreFavorite Audiobooks: Narrators, Books, and More!
Favorite audiobooks and narrators for your listening pleasure over the holidays (and road trips any other time of the year!)
Read More2021 Summer Reading: Faith & Fortitude Is Here!
2021 Summer Reading Theme We’re very excited about the 2021 summer reading theme: Faith & Fortitude: the EPIC Story of God’s People. Why? We’re big fans of EPIC by Tim Challies, and we’ve been planning this for months! We’re also big fans of reading about God’s work among his people, through all time and in…
Read MoreAdulting 101, Book 2: #liveyourbestlife
Adulting 101, Book 2 is an excellent graduation gift idea or resource for teens heading to college or into the workforce. Adulting 101, Book 2: #liveyourbestlife by Josh Burnette and Pete Hardesty. Broadstreet, 2021. 176 pages. Reading Level: Teens, ages 16 and up Recommended For: Teens, ages 16 and up We hear a lot about…
Read More5 Minutes in Church History and In the Year of Our Lord
5 Minutes in Church History and In the Year of Our Lord each view church history through an engaging and refreshing lens. ***Giveaway Is Now Closed*** *5 Minutes in Church History: An Introduction to the Stories of God’s Faithfulness in the History of the Church by Stephen J. Nichols. Reformation Trust Publishing, 2019. 154 pages.…
Read MoreGraduation Gift List
Need a graduation gift idea for a new or recent graduate? We’ve got you covered! ‘Tis the season when many young men and women doff mortar boards and tassels and step forward into their future. Why not give them a book that will help turn them ever more to Christ as they move forward into…
Read More*Truths We Confess by R. C. Sproul
Truths We Confess is a concise, accessible, and systematic exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, perfect for seniors, new graduates, and Sunday school groups. *Truths We Confess: A Systematic Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith (Revised Edition) by R. C. Sproul. Reformation Trust Publishing, 2019. 751 pages. Reading Level: Teen/Adult, ages 16 and…
Read More*Proverbs For You and Solomon Says: 2 Books for Graduates
Two recent, excellent books on Proverbs offer biblical wisdom and counsel, perfect for new graduates. Note: both of these books target new adults (and up). Before handing these books to younger teens, consider previewing the books. Proverbs is very frank in its discussions of sexuality, in particular, and good study guides on the book generally…
Read More*Tell God How You Feel by Christina Fox
Tell God How You Feel equips parents and teachers to help kids with hard emotions from a biblical framework. *Tell God How You Feel: Helping Kids with Hard Emotions by Christina Fox. CF4Kids, 2021. 84 pages. Reading Level: Picture Books, ages 8-10 Recommended For: Ages 4 and up Tell God How You Feel is first…
Read MoreThe London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd
An intriguing mystery for middle grades: what happens when someone gets on the London Eye, a closed system, and doesn’t get off?
Read MoreNative American Traditional Tales: #ownvoices
Back in the day, Gerald McDermott was one of our go to authors for Native American traditional tales. His Arrow to the Sun was a Caldecott winner in 1975. McDermott did much to bring mainstream American attention to the treasure trove in Native American traditional literature. But authors like Gerald McDermott, while well-intentioned, aren’t the…
Read MoreFlygirl by Sherri L. Smith
Ida Mae Jones is a true “flygirl” in this engaging historical fiction read for teens that examines issues of race, coming-of-age, and learning to fly. Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith. Penguin, 2010. 304 pages. Reading Level: Young adult, ages 14-18 Recommended For: Ages 14-18 Ida Mae Jones, aka “Jonesy,” is 18, African American, and a…
Read MoreThe Blossom and the Firefly by Sherri L. Smith
The Blossom and the Firefly, Hana and Taro, are brought together by music and war in this emotional historical fiction read for teens. The Blossom and the Firefly by Sherri L. Smith. Putnam’s, 2020. 340 pages. Reading Level: Teens/Young Adult, ages 15-18 Recommended For: Ages 15-18 Hana helps her classmates wash the sheets and hang…
Read MoreMulticultural Chapter Books: Yasmin, Kayla, and Mindy Kim
Yasmin, King and Kayla, and Mindy Kim are great multicultural early chapter books for young readers. Meet Yasmin! by Saadia Faruqi and illustrated by Hatem Aly. Picture Window Books, 2018. 96 pages. Reading Level: Early Readers, ages 6-10 Recommended For: Ages 6-10 Yasmin is an explorer, painter, builder, and fashionista! She explores with maps, wins…
Read MoreHome Is in Between by Mitali Perkins
Home Is in Between, a new picture book from Mitali Perkins, shows a new immigrant navigating two worlds with creativity and enthusiasm. Home Is in Between by Mitali Perkins and illustrated by Lavanya Naidu. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2021. 40 pages. Reading Level: Picture Books, ages 4-8 Recommended For: Ages 4-8 (but all ages will…
Read MoreNew Early Readers: Squirrels, Monsters, and Hedgehogs
Donut Feed the Squirrels, Monster and Boy, and Our Friend Hedgehog offer interesting new reading for new/early readers.
Read MoreClass Act by Jerry Craft
Class Act picks up right where New Kid left off, offering insight with humor and great art. Class Act by Jerry Craft. Quill Tree Books, 2020. 256 pages. Reading Level: Graphic novel, ages 10 and up Recommended For: Ages 10 and up (readers in upper middle school will appreciate this most!) Drew (Jordan’s sidekick in…
Read MoreThe Literary Family
Hi there! You’re seeing this message because you’re not a member of the Redeemed Reader Fellowship. Try the Silver Key level for a free 2-week trial! To learn more about Membership, please visit our Membership Page. Username Password * Remember Me Forgot Password
Read MoreMedieval Africa: a Resource for Middle School
Discover the glories and weaknesses of Medieval Africa in this well researched history for middle grades. The Royal Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay: Life in Medieval Africa by Patricia and Frederick McKissack. Square Fish, 1995. 160 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle Grades and up, ages 10 and up (note…
Read MoreBlack Heroes of the Wild West by James Otis Smith
Black Heroes of the Wild West introduces young readers to three exciting and legendary figures in this graphic novel style history for middle grades. Black Heroes of the Wild West by James Otis Smith. TOON Graphics, 2020. 60 pages. Reading Level: Graphic novels, ages 8-12 Recommended For: Ages 8-12 You’ve heard of Calamity Jane, Wyatt…
Read More*Just Like That by Gary D. Schmidt
Just Like That, Gary Schmidt’s latest book for teens, humorously and poignantly explores love and loss. Just Like That is one of our Readers’ Choice Top Ten Picks for 2025! Check out the rest and be ready to cast your vote in March. Just Like That by Gary D. Schmidt. Clarion, 2021. 400 pages. Reading…
Read More*Creative God Colorful Us by Trillia Newbell
Creative God Colorful Us invites students to enjoy God’s diverse family by loving God and their neighbor and celebrating God’s human creation. *Creative God Colorful Us by Trillia Newbell. Moody, 2021. 128 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 8-12 Recommended For: Middle grades, ages 8-12, especially in groups (families, Sunday school classes, school groups, etc.)…
Read MoreWhat to Read After Mulan
Perhaps you have watched the stunning new Mulan movie (available for free streaming now on Disney+). The gorgeous cinematography would have been lovely on the big screen. My teens loved the animated film and were eager to see the update. My husband and I enjoy movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so we were also…
Read MoreMulan: Before the Sword by Grace Lin
The “prequel” to the new Disney Mulan movie, this middle grades story weaves together Chinese legend with Mulan’s own tale to great effect. Mulan: Before the Sword (Disney Mulan) by Grace Lin. Disney Press, 2020. 384 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, age 10-12 Recommended For: Ages 8 and up Mulan is a well-recognized figure in…
Read More2021 Newbery Buzz #2: Chirp and The List of Things That Will Not Change
We’re continuing our annual “Newbery Buzz” series today with round #2 for 2021. (We discussed King and the Dragonflies earlier this month.) As a reminder, we do not know which books the actual Newbery committee is seriously considering; we discuss books we’ve been hearing lots of “buzz” about in the children’s literature channels and try…
Read MoreEngage with Culture: Two Books for Parents
Mama Bear Apologetics and The Pop Culture Parent both aim to help parents interact with the culture surrounding their kids. Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies, edited by Hillary Morgan Ferrer. Harvest House Publishers, 2019. 288 pages. Reading Level: Adult Recommended For: parents, educators, youth leaders, and others who work with…
Read MoreRead the Bible in 2021
As we head into 2021 after a tempestuous 2020, one thing remains certain: The Word of the Lord stands forever (Isaiah 40:8). Reading God’s Word is a privilege, one we’ve cluttered up with so many different approaches: Is it better to read the entire Bible every year? Is it better to study one book or…
Read MoreThe Prince Warriors Series by Priscilla Shirer with Gina Detwiler
Battles on earth mirror those in the spiritual realm, and these young Prince Warriors learn to wield their spiritual armor in both places in this engaging middle grades fantasy series. The Prince Warriors Series by Priscilla Shirer with Gina Detwiler. B&H Kids. The Prince Warriors (2016) The Prince Warriors and the Unseen Invasion (2016) The…
Read More2020 … In (the) Books
It’s always interesting to look back over the year and reflect. 2020 was an especially eventful year, and we thought it might be fun to see what YOU, our readers, enjoyed most from Redeemed Reader each month. What, in other words, were the most popular posts in 2020? Looking back, we can see the movement…
Read MoreQuarantine Box = Days of Cheer
Are you looking at another holiday stuck at home? Do you have family members scattered across the country? Megan and I both are looking at another holiday spent in our own homes without our beloved family members. Thanksgiving was one day. Christmas, though, usually means days and days of fellowship and family time with our…
Read MoreBooks for Teen Writers
Books for aspiring writers abound. Books for teen writers are a little harder to track down. But many teens are aspiring authors, writing reams of stories or maintaining a lively blog. Thanks to NaNoWriMo, more teens than ever are trying their hand at writing an actual novel. This is fantastic! Below are some books for…
Read MoreBookish Christmas Fun
Are you looking ahead to a Christmas that doesn’t involve extra family and friends as much as previous years’ celebrations? Perhaps you usually travel, but this year you’ll be home. We know that Christmas vacation may look a little … empty this year. We spend a lot of time before Christmas meditating on Advent and…
Read MoreOutlaws of Time Series by N. D. Wilson
Wilson’s Outlaws of Time series is intense, time travel fun with plenty of action and philosophy thrown in. Great for young teens. Outlaws of Time Series by N. D. Wilson. Katherine Tegen Books. The Legend of Sam Miracle (2017) The Song of Glory and Ghost (2018) The Last of the Lost Boys (2018) Reading Level:…
Read MorePicture Books about the Middle Ages for Middle School
Picture books aren’t just for little kids! Picture books are every bit as enjoyable—and beneficial—for middle school kids. Use one (or all) of the books below to bring the Middle Ages to life for your middle schoolers. Check your local library for titles; you might need to get some of the older titles through inter-library…
Read More3 Picture Book Biographies: Beatrix Potter, Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norgay, and … a Horse
Picture book biographies are one of my favorite categories of picture books. Today, I have three new ones for you: a childlike look at Beatrix Potter, a thorough look at the first men to climb Everest, and a horse whose claim to fame is how many races he lost. Saving the Countryside: The Story of…
Read More13 Books for 13 Year Old Boys (and Girls!)
13 year olds: ready to be done with middle school, but not yet in high school. Officially “teenagers,” but plenty of maturing still to do. 13 year olds straddle the “middle grades” and “young adult” line, not quite ready for some of the more mature content in many YA books but anxious to move out…
Read MoreSports Beat Mysteries by John Feinstein
Feinstein’s Sports Beat Mysteries are great fun for teen sports lovers. Sports Beat Mystery Series by John Feinstein. Yearling. Last Shot: Mystery at the Final Four Vanishing Act: Mystery at the U. S. Open Cover-Up: Mystery at the Super Bowl Change-Up: Mystery at the World Series The Rivalry: Mystery at the Army-Navy Game Rush for…
Read MoreMachines in Motion by Tom Jackson and illustrated by Chris Mould
Machines in Motion is a fascinating picture book absolutely packed with interesting illustrations and trivia all about transportation. Machines in Motion: The Amazing History of Transportation by Tom Jackson and illustrated by Chris Mould. Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2020. 64 pages. Reading Level: Picture Books, ages 8-12 Recommended For: Ages 8-12 Do you ever think about…
Read MoreThere’s a Lion in My Nativity! by Lizzie Laferton and illustrated by Kim Barnes
Rhyming text and colorful illustrations help children understand more about Jesus and the Christmas story in this new Christmas picture book. There’s a Lion in My Nativity! by Lizzie Laferton and illustrated by Kim Barnes. The Good Book Co., 2020. 24 pages. Reading Level: Picture Books, ages 4-8 Recommended For: Ages 0-8 Have you ever…
Read More*Hosanna in Excelsis by David and Barbara Leeman
Sing a new song every day of Advent with Hosanna in Excelsis, an Advent devotional that offers a different Christmas hymn each day of Advent. *Hosanna in Excelsis: Hymns and Devotions for the Christmas Season by David and Barbara Leeman. Moody, 2020. 128 pages. Reading Level: Adult Recommended For: All ages (families, schools, churches, etc.)…
Read MoreA Better Than Anything Christmas by Barbara Reaoch
Dig in to the Christmas story a bit more intentionally this year with A Better Than Anything Christmas, a family Advent devotional with interactive questions and journaling prompts. A Better Than Anything Christmas by Barbara Reaoch. The Good Book Company, 2020. 96 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: The Whole Family Most…
Read MoreMore Than a Mystery Links
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Read MoreThe Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys. Philomel, 2019. 512 pages. The Fountains of Silence tells a gripping story of love and danger during Franco’s Spain in the 1950s. Historical fiction for older teens. Reading Level: Young Adult, ages 15-18 Recommended For: Young Adults, ages 15-18 Daniel is a budding photographer tagging along with his…
Read MoreThe Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
Megan and I have followed Megan Whalen Turner’s Thief series for years, and we both pre-ordered the final book, The Return of the Thief, months before publication. And we both read it within the week we received it! Readers: this is highly unusual for us at Redeemed Reader. Normally, we “divide and conquer,” rarely reading the same title as…
Read MoreThe Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games Series)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is a disappointing prequel to the thought-provoking Hunger Games series. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games pre-quel). Scholastic, 2020. 538 pages. Reading Level: Young Adult, ages 12-15 Recommended For: Young Adult, ages 15+ Coriolanus Snow is born to leadership. Appearing every inch the best…
Read MoreA Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle (Book Club Edition)
Good books are even better when people discuss them. In fact, we label books “discussion starters” when they offer much food for thought. A Wrinkle in Time is one such book. Unfortunately, kids often read this book at far too young an age and think they don’t like it. Even if your child reads at…
Read MoreThe Tripods Series by John Christopher (Retro Reads)
The Tripods: classic science fiction from the 1960s that’s still enjoyable for today’s young teens. The Tripods Series by John Christopher: The White Mountains, The City of Gold and Lead, The Pool of Fire, When the Tripods Came. Aladdin, 2014. (boxed set; the first book was originally published in 1967) Reading Level: Young Adult, ages…
Read More*Skunk and Badger by Amy Timberlake and illustrated by Jon Klassen
Skunk and Badger are a delightful new odd couple in chapter book format, perfect for newly independent readers. *Skunk and Badger by Amy Timberlake and illustrated by Jon Klassen. Alonquin, 2020. 136 pages. Reading Level: Chapter Books, ages 6-10 Recommended For: Ages 6-10 (all, as a read aloud) Badger is a geologist who lives in…
Read MoreFuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar
Are you brave enough to rescue a bully from a hazardous substance, at your own risk? A thought-provoking middle grades read from the author of Holes. Fuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar. Delacorte, 2015. 208 pages. Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 Recommended For: Middle Grades, ages 10-12 “Fuzzy mud” is a mud that gets, well,…
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