*Big Questions Series by Chris Morphew

The Big Questions Series raises—and answers—life’s big questions on a level that middle schoolers will understand and appreciate: suffering, life after death, and more.

*The Big Questions Series by Chris Morphew. The Good Book Co., 2021. 96 pages each.

Why does God let bad things happen? Big Questions series
  • What Happens When We Die?
  • Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?
  • How Do We Know That Christianity Is Really True?

Reading Level: Middle Grades and Teens, Ages 10-15

Recommended For: Ages 10 and up

These really are Big Questions, aren’t they? “What happens when we die?” is a fundamental question every human must face at some point. “Why does God let bad things happen?” has most assuredly come up this past year for many, even if they hadn’t wondered it before. “How do we know that Christianity is really true?” must be reckoned with.

In Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?, Morphew covers suffering—ours and Jesus’—by illustrating how much the Lord cares about His people, but also by reminding his readers that the end of the story hasn’t happened yet. (I kept being reminded of the refrain in Megan’s new book: Something Better Coming!). Morphew doesn’t minimize suffering, and he doesn’t pretend that children and teens only suffer “small” things either. What Happens When We Die? covers biblical content about earth, heaven, and hell, as well as what the Bible tells us about life after Jesus returns. The final chapter encourages readers to share their faith by asking, “What about my friends who don’t know Jesus?” As of this writing, I haven’t finished How Do We Know That Christianity Is True?, but the style of the book matches the other two (in terms of writing style and illustrations). Morphew discusses the key apologetics issues: the historicity of Jesus and the Resurrection.

Morphew’s tone is casual and conversational, but he gives solid answers to big questions. He peppers his books with examples and stories that are relevant to kids without talking down to his audience. Thus, these books would make great Sunday school reads or youth group reads. They would even be at home in a classroom or school library where young people wondering these very things just might pick them up.


cover of what happens when we die
  • In What Happens When We Die? Morphew describes the beginnings of Creation, including God’s creation of people. The entire discussion is chatty, in keeping with his tone throughout the book, but he never mentions Adam and Eve, just “humans” and God’s “children.” I bring this up because of the recent controversy over the idea of a historical Adam. I don’t think teens who’ve grown up assuming a historical Adam will suddenly think, reading this book, that there wasn’t one. But the discussion feels a bit “middle ground” to me.

Overall Rating: 4.75 out of 5

  • Worldview/Moral Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Literary/Artistic Rating: 4.5 out of 5

*indicates a starred review

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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