Beauty and the Beast – Devotional #3
Once upon a time there was beautiful girl who became a queen. . . . And her name was Esther. There’s a definite fairytale quality to the book of Esther. Like Belle, beautiful and unsuspecting, Esther is plucked from her home and placed in grandeur. And, like Beauty and the Beast, redemption is interwoven in…
Read MoreEvery Falling Star: A Beauty and the Beast Discussion!
Like our Newbery Buzz discussions, Janie and Betsy discuss Every Falling Star “virtually” in light of our Beauty and the Beast Adventure this month. We hope these discussions help model how to talk to the kids in your life about books! In the fall, we reviewed a poignant memoir for teens, Every Falling Star, that chronicled one boy’s desperation in…
Read MoreBeauty and the Beast by Nancy Willard and illustrated by Barry Moser
Beautiful, lengthy prose accompanied by striking woodcut illustrations make this retelling a good fit for intermediate and middle grade readers. Beauty and the Beast by Nancy Willard and illustrated by Barry Moser. Harcourt, 1992. 67 pages. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 8-12 Recommended For: middle grades, ages 8-12, and younger (experienced) listeners Pretty girls are a dime…
Read MoreBeauty and the Beast – Devotional #2: the Beast
See our first Beauty and the Beast Devotional if you missed it! This is part of our Beauty and the Beast Adventure which is focusing on the traditional fairy tale and examining it in light of Scripture and comparing it with relevant literature. We are not affiliated with or endorsing the new Disney movie. The…
Read MoreBeauty and the Beast – Devotional #1
Me and My Mirror Is there anyone reading this who has never, in their lives, spent time staring into a mirror seeking out all the imperfections of face and figure? It seems a common human occupation, not limited to females, especially during those vulnerable years between eleven and twenty-one. With growing self-consciousness comes growing sensitivity,…
Read MoreBeauty and the Beast Adventure
Join us as we dive into the themes and stories behind Beauty and the Beast during the month of March! And don’t worry, it’s not just for girls–we have lots of relevant “boy” titles, too. Please note that Redeemed Reader is not affiliated with or endorsing the new Disney movie; rather we are examining the traditional fairy tale…
Read MoreRapid Fire: 10 Recent Award-Winning Picture Books
Rapid Fire: a quick, “rapid fire” list of mini-book reviews. Janie and I love to prognosticate the Newbery Award, discuss possible contenders, and dialogue during the announcement itself! But the ALA announces many more awards than the Newbery or Caldecott. Enjoy this “rapid fire” list of short reviews of some of the other award-winning (picture) books announced…
Read MoreStraight Talk About the Birds and the Bees
This is a review specifically for parents; librarians and teachers may benefit as well, but children should ask their parents first before reading further. This is also part reflection/part review, so the format is a bit different and longer than our usual reviews. With Valentine’s Day hovering, love is not just in the air, but has been assaulting our…
Read More2017 Newbery Buzz: Some Writer! and Snow White
Historically—and overwhelmingly—the Newbery Award has graced the covers of fictional prose novels. And yet, even “back in the day,” there were some outliers. Nancy Willard’s A Visit to William Blake’s Inn was both a book of poetry and a picture book. But there certainly seems to be more diversity of format in the past five years: verse…
Read More2017 Newbery Buzz: Ghost and Booked
Janie: Last Friday, we discussed two middle grade novels that were filled with sadness. Today we turn to a couple of sports-related novels by authors who have already been generously recognized by the American Library Association. In fact, Kwame Alexander won the coveted Newbery medal two years ago for his basketball-related verse novel, The Crossover. …
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