8 Great Smarts by Kathy Koch
8 Great Smarts shows parents how to recognize, encourage, and build on their child’s particular kinds of “smart.” 8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child’s Intelligences by Kathy Koch. Moody, 2016, 236 pages including notes and appendices. Recommended for: adults, especially parents and teachers I first encountered the notion of “learning styles” when my…
Read MoreLearning to Lead: Another RedeemedReader Booklist!
In his Confessions, Augustine wrote this on the subject of “time”: “I understand well enough what time is, so long as no one asks me.” In the same way, we recognize leadership but find it hard to define. “Leadership” takes different forms in different circumstances, and it has many components. The best leaders are also…
Read MorePie-Themed Picture Books for Pi/Pie Day!
“Pi/Pie Day” is coming up on March 14th! Check out one of the pie-themed picture books below from your local library to enjoy with your kids on Pi Day. Be sure to make some pie to go with these tasty-looking books! How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the U. S. A. by Marjorie…
Read MoreThe Vanishing American Adult by Ben Sasse
U.S. Senator Ben Sasse diagnoses a serious problem with today’s young adults and writes a prescription for restoring the American spirit. The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance by Ben Sasse. St. Martins Press, 2017, 306 pages, including index and bibliography. Recommended for: ages 18-up When the…
Read MoreNonfiction Picture Books Round-up: Biographies, Science, and Words
A round-up of 2018 nonfiction picture books on all sorts of subjects and for all sorts of ages! The Great Dictionary Caper by Judy Sierra and illustrated by Eric Comstock In this lively book, words become art as well as the subject: they are bored and escape the dictionary! Homophones, verbs, contractions, palindromes, and even archaic…
Read MorePicture Book Round-Up: 6 Multicultural Youth Media Award Winners
The 2018 ALA Youth Media Awards were announced last week, and children’s lit fans around the country live-streamed the event (unless they were privileged to be there in person!). The Youth Media Awards now include a full slate of awards, announced roughly in reverse chronological order: the oldest two awards–and most well known, the Caldecott…
Read MoreThose Love Stories We Loved
The RedeemedReader ladies recall our favorite “love stories” as teens, and rejoice that we grew out of them! But what do we like now? You may have noticed that last Wednesday was Valentine’s Day. Perhaps you celebrated with chocolate and a good book (and we offered you plenty of selections to choose from)! Even if…
Read More*Honey for a Teen’s Heart by Gladys Hunt
Honey for a Teen’s Heart applies the wisdom of Gladys Hunt’s read-aloud approach to the adolescent years. Adult *Honey for a Teen’s Heart: Using Books to Communicate with Teens, by Gladys Hunt and Barbara Hampton. Zondervan, 2002, 288 pages plus index. Recommended for: adults, especially parents and teachers When Honey for a Child’s Heart was…
Read MoreFive Red Flags to Watch for in YA Christian Romance Fiction
Christian romance fiction feels “safe,” but it’s not always without pitfalls . . . and it’s not always Christian, either. I remember when Jeanette Oke and “deliverance” stories were about the only options teenage girls had if they wanted to read some Christian romance. The inventory has greatly expanded and almost every secular literary genre…
Read MoreBlack History Month Nonfiction Book List
Black History Month Nonfiction Book List It’s a month full of book lists here at Redeemed Reader! We hope you enjoyed our Love and Laughter Book List on Valentine’s Day. Today, we’re offering a Black History Month Nonfiction Book List in honor of Black History Month! But first: don’t miss this earlier post, “Why Black…
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