Every year at this time, children’s book websites brim with speculation about what books will win or place in the American Library Association’s Youth Media Awards–especially the coveted Newbery Medal. At Redeemed Reader we do our own speculation, starting with a series of discussions over some of the more likely contenders. Today, Janie and Pamela (a librarian and sometime RR contributor) discuss two similar-themed novels, one by a well-known Newbery laureate and the other by a relative newcomer.

Janie: I’ll start with a novel that’s actually the last of a trilogy, by two-time Newbery medalist (and one-time “honorist”) Kate DiCamillo. I don’t think it’s a strong contender, chiefly because no author has already scored three times. But it may deserve special consideration as the last of a highly praised trilogy that began with Raymie Nightingale. Beverly, Right Here follows the third member of a friendship ring—the most difficult of the three, in some ways. All the girls have tough family situations, but Beverly’s is probably the toughest, with no dad and a mother that seems to put Beverly at absolute last in her list of priorities. The last straw is the death of Buddy, Beverly’s dog. Almost four years have passed since the first book of the trilogy, and both her friends have moved on. Her mother might not even notice she’s missing. Beverly hitches a ride with her cousin to wherever he’s going, which turns out to be Tamaray Beach, Florida, a slightly seedy resort and retirement mecca. Though some of the events are far-fetched, I thought the novel had its strengths. But before we get to that, what did you see as its weaknesses, Pamela?
Pamela: Although I’ve really enjoyed most of Kate DiCamillo’s books, and know her to be a writer who can be counted on for well-crafted stories, perhaps the main reason this book didn’t resonate with me is that Beverly, the main character, seems to be trying to avoid connections with other people. As you point out, Janie, she has come from a pretty tough family situation, and DiCamillo does a good job of portraying someone who has been hurt and developed a hard exterior. She describes what Beverly chooses to do and say, which are usually designed to distance her from others, but rarely tells us Beverly’s thoughts and feelings. Beverly also responds to people with outright rudeness at times, and at least twice she steals from another person; she doesn’t show any regrets for these things. This all had the unfortunate effect of distancing me as a reader from her through a good portion of the book.
There is also a minor character in the book, Mrs. Deely, who appears to be a pushy Christian; she writes and distributes tracts to anyone she can, including children. But she is a pretty weird lady, and her tracts have a lot of scary-looking snakes; I can’t help but wince that the only character connected with Christianity is so strongly negative.
Janie: That’s true. Although I’ve known some pushy Christians not unlike Mrs. Deely handing out Chick Tracts,, it would be nice to have another Christian character to balance her out. I get the sense Kate DiCamillo may have some sort of church background—the main character’s dad in Because of Winn Dixie was a pastor, after all! But you’re right that we don’t get a lot of insight into Beverly’s interior life. I guess we have to intuit her thoughts by her actions. And she does keep people at arm’s length–including the reader! But that’s the point. A major theme of the book is relationship: that we all need each other and no one is sufficient unto herself. As Beverly’s elderly friend Iola says, “People wait on other people. People rely on other people.” That was also a strong theme in the previous volume of the trilogy, Louisiana’s Way Home. In both books, the main characters find themselves alone in the world, but strangers come alongside and provide a sense of home and family.
As I mentioned above, Beverly’s finding a job simply by walking into a restaurant, and a home simply by making the acquaintance of a quirky old lady in a trailer park, don’t seem very realistic. But it makes a good story. And it’s a joy to see Beverly’s hard shell soften up. One more thing I want to mention before we take our leave of Beverly: many, if not all of DiCamillo’s books include a sense of transcendence, or something beyond this world. In Beverly Right Here, it’s a painting of The Annunciation, or Gabriel’s announcement to Mary. I find that touch of “something beyond” one of the strengths of the book.
Pamela: Yes, I agree that as Beverly starts to thaw in her new relationships, it felt like little bursts of joy were sparking out from the pages! It was sweeter because she started from a place of such resistance.
Janie: There’s another novel about a girl on the run (sort of, anyway) that’s getting a lot of buzz this year: The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise. I haven’t reviewed it for Redeemed Reader, so could you tell us a little of what it’s about, Pamela, and why you think it’s a contender?

Pamela: The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise opens with 12-year-old Coyote sneaking a kitten onto the bus in which she and her dad Rodeo live. They stay on the road year-round, and pets have always clearly been a “no-go.” But author Dan Gemeinhart easily draws in his readers; who couldn’t help but root for Coyote, who clearly needs this feline friend? She names the kitten “Ivan” after the main character in The One and Only Ivan, one of her favorite books. We soon learn the reason for her and her dad’s never staying in one place. There was a tragedy years back that makes it just too hard for Rodeo to go home. But then Coyote learns that the park in their hometown is due to be razed within days–the very spot where a family memory box of hers is buried. Getting her dad to agree to keep Ivan is a piece of cake compared to the mission impossible of convincing him to head home.
Dan Gemeinhart is a great storyteller, and a master at enabling the reader to connect with his characters. I’ve kept an eye out for his books since I read Some Kind of Courage a few years back. He weaves many humorous moments into this tale, and it’s a fast-paced story you won’t want to put down. Unfortunately though, one reason it may be getting plenty of attention is his inclusion of a sympathetic lesbian character in this story; this almost seems to be a requirement for a book’s consideration for an award at this time.
Janie: You’re probably right. That felt gratuitous to me—not just the inclusion of the character, but the preachy way it was handled. The girl is hitchhiking because her judgmental parents kicked her out, which makes Coyote think, “My very favorite aunt is gay and her wife is my very favorite aunt-in-law, and the thought of someone hating on them just ‘cause of who they love made me want to put on boxing gloves.” (Coyote is a feisty one.)
Beyond that, the theme of the book is very Newbery-friendly: a lost child looking for home. Coyote’s yearning for a settled place is palpable, and so is her love for her dad, even while he thwarts that desire. Her dad doesn’t even want to be called Dad anymore—that’s why she calls him Rodeo. Such fecklessness, even though it’s a defense mechanism responding to genuine tragedy, is not justifiable. The theme demands that Rodeo will start acting and thinking of himself as a dad again. (I hope it doesn’t spoil the plot for a reader to say that he does.) That overarching theme, and the humor scattered throughout, and a diverse cast of characters, are all positives. Bonus points for the eye-catching cover, too.
I got pretty impatient with ol’ Rodeo, though. And Coyote’s first-person voice was just a little too colloquial, and her observations sometimes wiser than a normal 12-year-old girl (even though, as an author, I can vouch for the difficulty of staying in the POV of a child). Overall the most off-putting thing about the narrative was the frequent profanity—Lots of “my god”s and “good lord”s. I can tolerate a little of that as representative of the way people talk, but it got to be too much. We’ll see what the Newbery committee thinks, though.
Next up, Betsy and Hayley discuss two outstanding illustrated nonfiction books!
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This was a very helpful post as I’m trying to decide which books to read with my 10 year old.
Rebecca: We’re here to help! One place for you to start might be our “Series Fiction for Tweens and Teens” post, which you can find here: https://redeemedreader.com/2019/08/series-fiction-for-tweens-and-teens-a-book-series-list/
Hi Janie:
I’m a librarian at a PreK-8th Catholic school in VA. We use the state award list (Virginia Readers Choice Award) every year to encourage students to read different genres. If students read four of the ten titles on the list, they can vote with other students across VA to give the VRC award.
This year The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise is on the list. I read and enjoyed the book; but, should add it to our collection? What are your thoughts and, overall, how do you handle wonderful books that have these subtle messages?
Angie–great question! We generally keep our reviews to books that support Christian principles (whether or not they are specifically “Christian”) and don’t push an obvious agenda. That’s why Coyote Sunrise didn’t get a review, but we considered it worth talking about because it represents an increasingly dominant worldview. I wouldn’t necessarily object to a book having a gay character (or a character with two moms or dads, which seems almost de rigeur these days) if other values compensate for it or raise interesting questions. I recently read The Newspaper Club, first volume in a series in which kids learn about objectivity, finding sources, and asking the right questions as they start a neighborhood newspaper. One of the characters has two moms who don’t influence the story, and I think the value of the book makes it worth reviewing anyway. But Coyote Sunrise was a little too preachy about the issue, and personally, I wouldn’t add the book to a Catholic School library.
Other novels that feature a gay character sincerely struggling with his or her identity, and perhaps even grappling with biblical objections, might be worth including in a teen collection as long as you could talk honestly about it. These issues are real and Christians must do a better job of presenting a biblical view while treating individuals with respect. Fiction can help with that–I just can’t think of any books to recommend right now!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this. Your input and decision making process is VERY helpful! I had this same question two years ago when A Thing About Jellyfish was on the VRC list. It is another excellent book but the main character’s brother has a live-in boyfriend. I saw that you all wrote an article on the book. Would you have added that book to a Catholic school library? Thank you for your help.
You’re welcome! Glad to be of help. What bothered me about The Thing about Jellyfish wasn’t the live-in boyfriend (which I forgot about, and which we didn’t mention in our post). My problem was the scientific materialism that was presented as a sort of answer for grief. The book is very well written and worth discussing, but I would include it in a Catholic school library only if there were some opportunity of discussing it with young readers.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate learning from your thought process on these issues. I am sure I will be asking more questions in the near future. I’m so glad that I found your website. I’m actually watching for your input on The One and Only Bob.
Janie . . . Not sure if you will get this (i.e. if you are still monitoring this particular thread). I am a long-time World Magazine subscriber (25+ years??) and a veteran public-school teacher in California (34th year), so I was encouraged to see this review. When I first saw “Janie” and that the name of the website was “Redeemed Reader” I immediately thought . . . “I hope this is Janie Cheaney!” I was looking for a review of Coyote Sunrise, as I am a bit more than half-way through with my 5th grade class. I am new back to my campus after a few years in virtual-teaching land through my district, and new to this grade-level back at my previous school. My partner teacher (who not un-coincidentally is lesbian) recommended this book, and overall I have enjoyed it up until now. Today we were introduced to Val, the gay-character in the book. I was a bit taken-aback, as I don’t generally feel like this is helpful exposure at this age. I don’t want to create a scene by stopping the book at this point, and generally feel I can talk about different family experiences and perspectives with appropriate nuance with students. However, I was caught off guard. Moving forward, I think I will preview each chapter ahead of time, and skip any gratuitous or preachy sections. Next year, I will likely make the choice to read something else in lieu of this book, as I feel there is so much other good literature out there. I’ll enjoy looking through your website for other recommendations for this age. Any thoughts about The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle? I read that years ago, and overall enjoyed it. Do you have any other words of advice as I navigate this situation?
Thanks for writing! I salute your many years of teaching and sympathize with the difficulties of finding worthwhile literature for your classes. Redeemed Reader was primarily established to help homeschooling parents with their literature choices, but our audience of teachers and librarians is growing. Though we primarily review books we consider to be worthy reads, we also keep an eye out for high-profile books that might have a chance at big awards (like Coyote Sunrise). Our Newbery-buzz discussions and reviews take up a lot of our January content.
As for Charlotte Doyle, it’s an enjoyable read was ridiculously anachronistic: no 12-year-old girl could master the skills of a 19th-century sailor in a matter of weeks, or any length of time, much less take command of a sailing ship. If you haven’t read Everything Sad Is Untrue, please do–I haven’t been so impressed by a children’s book in years.