2017 Winter Book Fair List: Books for Everyone!

2017 Winter Book Fair

Books for Everyone on Your Christmas List!

It’s that time of the year again: Christmas is coming, and all the special people in your life need books under that tree! This is one of our favorite book lists to put together each year. We look back over the year’s reviews, our personal reading stacks, and what’s currently in print. Then, we determine the best titles, the ones that are true “keepers” and deserve a place in your home library (or the library of your nieces, nephews, grandchildren, neighbors, …). This is the longest list we’ve put together, and it’s full of terrific titles. Enjoy!

Note: at the end of this list, you will find links to our previous years’ lists. Good books don’t go out of style! (although they do, occasionally, go out of print)

Per usual, titles are linked to both amazon and RR reviews (where applicable). Amazon links are associate links; your “click through” on those links earns us a small bonus which in turn is what funds our tech costs for the year. We appreciate your support! 

Books for When You Want to Give a Spiritual Resource

Did the buzz about the Reformation this year make you realize how much more there is to know? Several of these titles help families take the next step, particularly if your interest was piqued about the catechisms the Reformers were so keen to write and teach.

Books for Kids Who Love Movies

Books for When You Want to Give a Good Read

Books for Fans of Narnia and Hobbits

Books to Introduce Children and Teens to Classic Authors

Books for Kids Who Like to Make and Do Stuff

We don’t review many activity books on Redeemed Reader, but the books below have all been vetted by our staff in their own personal use (or their children’s!).

Books for Teens and Adults Who Like to Keep Learning

Previous Winter Book Fair/Christmas Gift Lists

Do you already have bookish plans for Christmas gifts? Any title you want to mention that’s a winner? Tell us in the comments!

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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