Dear Reader….

So, we’ve been up and running here at Redeemed reader for roughly a month and a half.  It’s amazing to think about that, considering all the water that’s passed under the bridge.

For starters, we’ve created a catalog of over 40 new posts.  We’ve made some distinguished new friends–more than 2,500 moms and dads and grandmas and uncles from across the country have popped by to see what we’re up to here!

In addition, Susan Olasky of World Magazine was kind enough to recommend us in one of her recent columns, while Tim Challies shared both his wisdom and his a few of his readers with us.  Authors Simonetta Carr and Larry Stone both made brief appearances, and Kevin Twit loaned us his theological insight.  All of which seems absolutely stunning to me when you realize we have no publicity department!  But the Lord has chosen to bless us mightily in this past month, so to Him we offer our deepest gratitude.

We also thank each and every one of you who read our work, recommended the site, or took the time to contribute in some way.  Janie and I consider your support a huge trust, and we are doing our utmost to serve you and your children through our writing.

I thought now that we’ve got a growing catalog, it might be nice to put a few of the series titles in one place for you.   In addition to straight up book reviews and recommendations, we’re trying to bring you some cultural and literary analysis in a unique form.   Hope you’ll find some of them helpful!

And don’t forget to join our Facebook group.  You’ll get updates about the site, as well as early access to a new thing we’re trying out–free book alerts when we find books that are particularly suited to this audience!  (And who doesn’t like free books?)

Among the Pagans

Easter Gifts 101

Newberry Roundup

Best Books for Beginners


Books to Movies


And there’s so much more, but I hope this will give you enough leads for today!

Janie and I both loved books before we loved God.  But in redeeming us with His love, he’s opened our eyes to the power for both good or evil that books possess.  In the weeks to come, we’ll continue relying on Him to confirm the work of our hands and help you shape your child’s imagination to love what is good, noble, and true–namely, Christ himself.

While we’re taking stock, do you have any suggestions?  Things that would make the site better?  Or maybe a book or genre you’re worried or puzzled about?  Leave us a comment and we’ll tell you what we think!

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