Pastor, Blogger, Author, Editor: More Church History Recommendations for the Whole Family!
We’ve spent all month reading and learning about church history. It’s been such a rich study with interviews and book reviews, but we are not the only ones who care about reading church history! We’ve asked some folks to contribute to our study with their top 5 church history recommendations for all ages. Check out these…
Read MoreChurch History with Tim Challies
Today we are happy to bring you a virtual interview with pastor, author, and blogger extraordinaire —Tim Challies. Tim serves as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario. He is the author of 5 books, and he is a book reviewer for World Magazine. He blogs about books, faith, theology, and culture at…
Read More*The Radical Book for Kids by Champ Thornton
This fun and friendly compendium of Bible facts, everyday knowledge, history, how-to, wise counsel, apologetics, and doctrine is a terrific resource for every Christian kid. *The Radical Book for Kids by Champ Thornton. New Growth Press, 2016, 353 pages + subject index Reading Level: Middle Grades, 8-10 Recommended for: ages 8-14 (and up) How old…
Read MoreMichelangelo the Christian: Interview with Simonetta Carr
Yesterday’s review of Michelangelo for Kids introduced us to a Renaissance artist few people know. Today, the author gives us more insight into her research, her background, and Michelangelo the man. Be sure to scroll down for links to our other interviews with Simonetta about Anselm, Augustine, and other heroes of the faith. GIVEAWAY! Take…
Read MoreLearning from John Wycliffe: an Interview with Douglas Bond
Yesterday we reviewed The Revolt: a Novel in Wycliffe’s England. Today we’re happy to have the author of that book answer a few questions for us: RR (Janie): Tell us a little about your research. I know you make frequent trips overseas: did you visit Lutterworth or track down Wycliffe papers at Oxford? DB: This…
Read More5 Questions for Brian Cosby, author of God’s Story
We are delighted to bring you a virtual interview with Brian Cosby, author of one of our featured church history resources for teens: God’s Story: A Student’s Guide to Church History, published by Christian Focus. A native of Signal Mountain, Brian was called to Wayside Church (PCA) in April 2012. He is Visiting Professor of Church History at Reformed…
Read MoreChurch History October
See below for our list of church history resources! Next year marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s well known act of defiance against the church of his day: the nailing of the 95 Theses on the door in Wittenberg. But what about what happened before Martin Luther? Church History October Join us this October for an exploration…
Read MoreTake the Survey, Enter the Giveaway!
Survey is now closed. Thanks to those who participated! We want to offer a big CONGRATULATIONS! to our prize winners. The winners will each receive free books, all of which were reviewed and highlighted this past month during our Church History October event. (These three names were drawn at random from the survey responses.) First…
Read MoreNewbery Buzz Discussion Series
We love discussing books here at Redeemed Reader! We also love “prognosticating the awards”: discussing potential Newbery Medal candidates (these are potentials to us; the actual awards discussions are always super secret) and weighing their pros and cons. While the annual Newbery awards have already been awarded for most of the years referenced below, we…
Read MoreThe Virtual Nightstand
In lieu of our former “Book Bits” and “Web Newbery” posts, we’re going to share a bit more of our personal reading lives with you, dear reader. Please note: these are books an individual is currently reading, not a “review” or “recommendation.” Today’s author: Betsy. The Virtual Nightstand: “Telling My Story: the Limits of Personal…
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