*The Radical Book for Kids by Champ Thornton

This fun and friendly compendium of Bible facts, everyday knowledge, history, how-to, wise counsel, apologetics, and doctrine is a terrific resource for every Christian kid.

*The Radical Book for Kids by Champ Thornton.  New Growth Press, 2016, 353 pages + subject indexradical-book-for-kids

Reading Level: Middle Grades, 8-10

Recommended for: ages 8-14 (and up)

How old were you when you realized that everything relates to God?  For me, it started in college when I first comprehended that the Bible tells one story.  Though our family went to church three times per week, somehow that point never got through.  Apparently other Christians my age and younger had a similar experience, because there has been much effort in recent years to rectify that deficiency, as seen in books like The Jesus Storybook Bible, The Ology, What’s Up? and many more.  The great thing about The Radical Book for Kids is that it pulls together not only the Bible story, but everything else: history, geography, science, linguistics, mathematics, and life skills.  Not comprehensively, of course, but enough to help its intended audience understand that God and his Word relate to every aspect of this big, endlessly fascinating world of ours.

The author begins with a play on three meanings of the word “Radical”: originally, getting to the root.  “As you grow up, you should also grow down, letting the Bible sink its roots deep into your heart.”  Today the word means extreme, drastic, revolutionary—“following Jesus and standing for him in the storms of life.”  But it can also mean excellent, cool, and fun: “You’ll read about ancient weapons, create pottery, discover ancient languages, locate stars, play a board game that’s 3,000 years old—and more.”

About ten years ago, The Dangerous Book for Boys became a best-seller.  This is like a “dangerous book” for Christian kids: a grab-bag of information both serious and lighthearted, but with a life-changing purpose, written in an engaging, accessible style with eye-catching graphics.  Chapter 1 summarizes the Bible’s big story with a comparison of Genesis and Revelation.  The remaining 66 chapters will impart knowledge (basic doctrine, apologetics, wise advice), example (history, biography, factual application), and fun (practical skills, how-to’s, activities). It can be opened anywhere and read with profit.  It belongs in every young Christian’s library. What more can we say?

Cautions: None

Overall rating: 5 (out of 5)

  • Worldview/moral value: 5
  • Artistic value: 5



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Janie Cheaney

Janie is the VERY senior staff writer for Redeemed Reader, as well as a long-time contributor to WORLD Magazine and an author of nine books for children. The rest of the time she's long-distance smooching on her four grandchildren (not an easy task). She lives with her equally senior husband of almost-fifty years in the Ozarks of Missouri.

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  1. Jenny on October 27, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    Do you still have Amazon links through which we can support this site? I so appreciate these reviews and wish to support redeemedreader!

    • Betsy Farquhar on October 28, 2016 at 12:10 am

      We’re so glad you want to support us! We are hoping to reinstate our amazon affiliate account very soon and will send out a notice when it’s ready (as well as put links back in our posts). Thanks for asking!

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