“Born to Read” by Gladys Hunt
Gladys Hunt reflects on the importance of reading in a child’s life and shares some of her favorite books for encouraging kids to read. This is the eighth in our series of previously-unpublished blogposts by the author of Honey For a Child’s Heart. Born to Read by Gladys Hunt Reading to children, taking them to the…
Read MoreLively Lists: a Key Part of the New Redeemed Reader Companion!
Readers, we’ve been hinting at our upcoming Redeemed Reader Companion on social media, our newsletter, and, finally, an official post here on the website…. Wait. You’re not following us on social media or getting our newsletter? You should fix that! We update Instagram and Facebook when posts are published as well as the occasional platform-only…
Read More“Reading Intentionally” by Gladys Hunt
Gladys Hunt recommends reading aloud not just a a way of bonding with family but as a way of making and keeping friends. This is the sixth in our series of previously-unpublished posts by the author of Honey for a Child’s Heart. The title was added. Reading Intentionally by Gladys Hunt “How do people know…
Read More“A Good Book is a Magic Gateway” by Gladys Hunt
This latest in our Gladys Hunt series, which we affectionately call The Hive, looks at the possibilities inherent in book discussions and how books can help us educate our children about big ideas. The title for this post below, “A Good Book is a Magic Gateway,” is our title. Her original blog post below was…
Read MoreRedeemed Readers, Rejoice!
Announcing a valuable resource for our fellow “Redeemed Readers,” and anyone with an interest in quality children’s literature. Hard as it is to believe, this is Redeemed Reader’s eighth year online. We’ve had personnel changes, a serious hack, three major re-designs, and resultant glitches. We’ve featured read-alongs, giveaways, summer reading programs, and interviews with well-known…
Read More“Building a Child’s Personal Library” by Gladys Hunt
How do you know which books you just have to own? In her fourth post of our series, Gladys Hunt offers tips on recognizing “the keepers.” After enthusiastic praise of libraries, should anyone bother to buy books? How many books should a child own? A library book is a wonderful discovery, a taste treat to…
Read MoreBooks and Stories: Reflections by Gladys Hunt
Readers, we are beyond thrilled to bring you some of Gladys Hunt’s last writing on books! See The Hive for more information on this opportunity. We’ll also be linking to her books in each of these posts as well as other titles she mentioned in the post. The title for this post below, “Books and…
Read More“Make Your Own Life Bigger” by Gladys Hunt
According to Gladys Hunt, developing an appreciation for the public library in your child begins with YOU. This is the second in our series of previously-unpublished blog posts by the author of Honey For a Child’s Heart. Make Your Own Life Bigger Your own experience with the library–or lack of it–may be the biggest hindrance…
Read More“The Mystery of the Library” by Gladys Hunt
Readers, we are beyond thrilled to bring you some of Gladys Hunt’s last writing on books! See The Hive for more information on this opportunity. We’ll also be linking to her books in each of these posts as well as other titles she mentioned in the post. The Mystery of the Library by Gladys Hunt…
Read MoreThe Hive: A List of Resources from Gladys Hunt
The Hive is exclusive content from the late Gladys Hunt that we are privileged to feature on Redeemed Reader.
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