*Sing a Song of Seasons: A Nature Poem for Each Day of the Year
*Sing a Song of Seasons: A Nature Poem for Each Day of the Year selected by Fiona Waters, illustrated by Frann Preston-Gannon. Nosy Crow, 2018, 333 pages Reading Level: Ages 10-12 Recommended for: All ages Falling in love with poetry happens one day at a time. You could work through a collection by a single…
Read MoreBookish Christmas Gifts for the Whole Family
Sometimes, it’s hard to pick out a book for a book-lover. What if she already bought herself that book? What if he has already read that series and moved on? These are the sorts of questions that stymie our own families when it comes to giving us books for Christmas. Sure, each of us here at Redeemed…
Read MoreChristmas Books for All Ages: A Booklist
Readers, we are thankful for YOU! And, in honor of our appreciation for you, your faithful support of Redeemed Reader and encouragement to us, we’re posting a first for Redeemed Reader: a READER-generated* Christmas Books Booklist for your enjoyment over the holidays. After all, our readers have great taste and often recommend terrific books to…
Read MoreTangerine: Love Your Neighbor Book Club Edition
To date this school year, our Love Your Neighbor Book Club has read Save Me a Seat and A Long Walk to Water, both of which raised good questions about loving our neighbors near and far who are different from us. Tangerine adds a new element: loving our siblings and family members and our competitors on…
Read MoreNew Picture Books Round-Up (Fall, 2018 edition)
November is National Picture Book Month! Here’s a collection of new picture books for the whole family. We don’t think you need an “excuse” to read a picture book, no matter what age you are (or what ages your children are). The National Picture Book Month page hasn’t been updated this year as of this…
Read MoreWe the People … A U.S. Government Booklist
Election Day is just around the corner, and our national media outlets love nothing more than a juicy political story. Gossip and slander aside, though, our U.S. government is worth cherishing, protecting, and studying. Despite the claims of some, it has done more to safeguard various freedoms than most other nations in history, particularly the…
Read More"Hurray for Re-Issues!" by Gladys Hunt
A tribute to classic picture books, recently re-issued. In the last few years publishers have been reissuing picture books that are delightful offerings from some well-loved authors and illustrators. Here are some you may want to look for. Munro Leaf’s The Story of Ferdinand (first published in 1936) has never been out of print, but…
Read More"Never Underestimate a Gift Book" by Gladys Hunt
We’re nearing the end of this fantastic series by Gladys Hunt. If you’re just checking in, please do check out The Hive for a list of all the posts to date! In today’s installment, she reflects on gift books. “Never Underestimate a Gift Book” by Gladys Hunt It’s not easy to go into a bookstore cold…
Read More“Look for Illustrators” by Gladys Hunt
We’re up to the sixteenth in our series of posts by Gladys Hunt, author of Honey for a Child’s Heart. In this one, she shares some thoughts about book illustration and compares three versions of a popular story. I hope you are beginning to collect information and names of illustrators as you use book recommendations…
Read MoreHeroes of WWII: A Book List for Tweens and Teens
World War II is perennially interesting and not just to history buffs! We’ve focused on church history the past couple of years during October, first on the early church and general church history in 2016 and then Reformation church history in 2017. This year, we’re honing in on Christians–and other heroes–during World War II in this…
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