A Stubborn Sweetness by Katherine Paterson

“A Stubborn Sweetness” is one of 15 short stories that celebrate the truth, beauty, and goodness of the real meaning of Christmas.

A Stubborn Sweetness by Katherine Paterson. Westminster John Knox Press, 2013. 200 pages.

  • Reading Level: Teens, ages 12 and up
  • Recommended For: Ages 8 and up, depending on the story
cover of A Stubborn Sweetness

A weary father, feeling more like Scrooge than Santa, stays home from church to laboriously put together a horse for a Christmas present. A young man, looking forward to his days of peace and quiet, begrudgingly welcomes in some refugees. An old Chinese man hides portions of Scripture in his shoes so the guards won’t find them.

15 short stories, each* originally read aloud by Paterson’s minister husband at Christmas Eve services over the course of 40 years (*save one: “Why the Chimes Almost Rang” is new for this anthology). 15 stories that each allude to a portion of the original Christmas story, whether it’s Mary or Joseph, angels, welcoming in strangers, or even finding a baby.

Together, these stories are a lovely reminder, much like The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, of the Incarnation: God with us, in the flesh, on earth, with all its mess and imperfections. Like much of Paterson’s fiction, these stories resonate with the reality of the Lord’s intervention in our lives, even though it might not happen in ways we expect. Hardened, crusty characters soften in the light of grace. Children reach out in their innocence to touch an old person’s soul. Miracles happen. Angels are real.

Some of these stories will resonate with middle school kids. Most, though, are probably best reserved for teens and up. Read one or two at a time and savor them. In a busy season, a short story is a terrific option for a quick read aloud before bed, especially when the story carries weight and is so well-written.


  • Violence: “My Name Is Joseph” has quite a bit of violence (including mention of rape) in it. It’s not graphic or explained in detail, but a young family is fleeing from a war zone. It’s better saved for teens.

Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5.0

  • Literary/Artistic Rating: 4.5
  • Worldview Rating: 4.5

Read more about our ratings here.

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A Stubborn Sweetness is one of the books we’ve chosen for our Winter Book Fair this year! Find it and the rest at Storyglory Kids, beginning Friday, November 24. We encourage you to shop there first.

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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