Bible Reading Challenge, Week 49 (THE END!)

week 49, image

THE CHURCH: On to Glory!

This is our last part of the yearly study!  For those of you who make it this far, congratulations, and we hope it’s been a good experience for you.  It’s certainly been a labor of love on our part.  What better way to end than to savor the promise of the new Jerusalem together?

Study Guides:

Make-Your-Own-Story-Bible Resources:

For last week’s study, here’s Challenge 47.  Or just see the category link with all the previous Bible Challenges.

Thanks to Carl Dean White for our illustrations this week!  For more on his work, see his website.

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  1. Ruth on January 15, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    I saw your Bible challenge when it started but my oldest was still too young for it. I would like to do it with him now though. Any way that you can get all your files together for an easier download?

    • emily on January 15, 2013 at 8:47 pm

      Ruth! Thanks so much for asking. We are so working on that! Unfortunately, with our current writing schedules, it won’t be done until at least spring or summer (at the very earliest!). The good news is that since it isn’t tied to a season, you can start it anytime. So, we’ll be sure to let everyone know when we do get it organized and edited. Thanks again for your interest!

  2. Kathleen on November 10, 2013 at 7:28 pm

    Cool! I’m going to start looking into this now! We’re also looking forward to an easier download link. 🙂

    • emily on November 11, 2013 at 9:53 pm

      Kathleen, I have to admit this project has slipped under the radar. We do still hope to develop it, but we’ve had to put some other site issues ahead in the queue. (We’ll be talking more about that in our November 20th Winter Book Fair post, so look for that if you’re curious.) Thanks for your interest in the project, though, and I do still hope we can come back to it before too long.

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