Redeemed Reader Christmas Vacation
This year has been a whirlwind for us, with a record number of book reviews, rising readership, website updates, and two special reading challenges built around Proverbs and Beauty and the Beast. We’re ready for a vacation! So we’ll go easy on new posts for the next two weeks, but we’ll still have good reading…
Read MoreWorthy YA: the Best Teen Reads of 2017
The world of Young-Adult publishing can be dicey territory for Christian readers. Nowhere are the latest cultural trends more vigorously promoted than in books marketed to this age group. YA has long been a haven for gritty “realism” depicting every depravity known to man: abuse (from parents and boyfriends), exploitation, suicide, murder, rape, incest .…
Read More*Honey for a Child’s Heart by Gladys Hunt
Honey for a Child’s Heart was one of the first books advocating for building a Christian family culture around books. *Honey for a Child’s Heart by Gladys Hunt. Zondervan, 2002. 256 pages. Reading Level: Adult Recommended For: Parents and all adults interested in building their family culture around books “Children and books go together in a…
Read MoreThe Literary Nightstand
The Literary Nightstand: Our Professional Reading The Literary Nightstand is a peek into what’s on our professional nightstands. Most of us here at Redeemed Reader have been reading and studying children’s literature for many years. This is our attempt to help sift the wheat from the chaff for our readers who want to learn more…
Read MoreThe Wonder of the Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp
The Wonder of the Greatest Gift offers a complete Jesse Tree experience with devotional and ornaments for the whole family to enjoy. The Wonder of the Greatest Gift: An Interactive Family Celebration of Advent by Ann Voskamp. Tyndale House, 2017. Reading Level: Middle grades, ages 8-12 Recommended For: Ages 0-10, family read aloud/activity Based on Unwrapping…
Read MoreGiant Christmas and Advent Book List for All Ages
We love Christmas and Advent at Redeemed Reader, and we’ve reviewed lots of related resources over the years. Advent begins on December 1, and the Christmas season extends through the first week of January. Are you one of those families who likes to open a “new” book each day of Advent? Perhaps you plan more…
Read More2017 Winter Book Fair List: Books for Everyone!
2017 Winter Book Fair Books for Everyone on Your Christmas List! It’s that time of the year again: Christmas is coming, and all the special people in your life need books under that tree! This is one of our favorite book lists to put together each year. We look back over the year’s reviews, our…
Read MoreMystery Book List for Elementary, Tweens, and Teens!
Calling all mystery lovers! Mystery book list for all ages! Whether or not you’re planning to see Murder on the Orient Express this month, you likely have a mystery fan in the house. What can they read when they’ve exhausted the library’s stash of Boxcar Children, Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and Hardy Boys? Read on! Three Lists We’re putting…
Read More*The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
Starred review for this book about a tech-wise family that is characterized by 10 commitments reflecting the proper pace of technology in a family’s life together. The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place. Baker Books, 2017. 224 pages. Reading Level: Adult Recommended For: Parents (and college students!) We are meant to…
Read MoreReformation Day!
I know, we’re not there yet. It was on All Hallow’s Eve (nicknamed Halloween) that the fiery preacher of Wittenberg marched down the cobbled streets with a parchment in one hand and a hammer in the other. How many nails did it take? What kind of attention did he attract while he was standing there? …
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