The Money-Smart Family System by Steve Economides
“Money smarts” begin at home in this family-oriented guide to teaching wise management.
Read MoreSimple Summer Reading Challenge for Tweens and Teens
A simple summer reading challenge for tweens and teens AND their families.
Read MoreSummer Reading Challenge Round-Up
Summer Reading Challenge Round-up: our three most popular programs in one spot.
Read MoreBible Review: NASB Children’s Edition
This brand-new Children’s Edition of the New American Standard Bible is a must-have for NASB users.
Read MoreAnnouncing: The Pilgrim’s Progress Guide from Redeemed Reader!
Order our Pilgrim’s Progress Guide for great resources to use with family, school, or church!
Read MoreAre Graphic Novels “Literature”?
When I was a kid, back in the day, “comic books” did not have a great reputation. In fact, in 1949 a book called Seduction of the Innocent, by psychologist Fredric Wertham, sent a groundswell of concerned parents to their children’s comic stash, looking for hidden (or not-so-hidden) sexual themes and violent content. At best,…
Read MoreThe Pilgrim Travels on: Literary References to The Pilgrim’s Progress
Few works of literature have had the cultural reach of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. That’s pretty amazing—who would have thought an adventure story that pauses every few pages for long discussions of Christian theology would have such a grip on the Western world’s imagination? Clearly Bunyan tapped something deep in the human spirit. The…
Read MoreShakespeare Fun and Frivolity
Shakespeare fans who have room on their shelves and a box of freshly sharpened colored pencils will find good application for both with three fun and frivolous titles to add to their collection. Pop-Up Shakespeare by The Reduced Shakespeare Company, Reed Martin & Austin Tichenor, illustrated by Jennie Maizels. Candlewick Press, 2017. 10 pages Now…
Read MoreBirds of a Feather: Bird Books for Kids
A short list of favorite books about birds and bird-watching.
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