*The Mythmakers by John Hendrix

In The Mythmakers, John Hendrix explores an extraordinarily fruitful friendship and its roots in myth and legend.

*The Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C. S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien by John Hendrix. Abrams Fanfare, 2024, 205 pages plus notes and index.

Reading Level: Teen, ages 12-15

Recommended for: ages 12-up

Ron and Jack met at Oxford, after each had experienced his own personal hell in the trenches in World War I. Ron was a devout Catholic, Jack a confirmed atheist, especially after getting shrapnel embedded in his chest. In spite of their differences and divergent backgrounds, they formed an instant bond over a shared love of mythology—Norse myths in particular. The friendship that developed over the next fifteen years proved remarkably fruitful, artistically and even spiritually. For Ron was a significant influence in Jack’s conversion to Christianity, and it’s likely that the fantasy works each is best known for would not have come into being without the other’s influence.

How to describe The Mythmakers? It’s a lavishly illustrated dual biography in the humorous, symbolic style John Hendrix is known for. But it’s also an examination of myth, legend, epic, fairy tale, and folktale, from the origins of these literary forms in ancient history to the current era of fantasy, sci-fi, and superheroes. This is fitting, for, more than any other authors, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were responsible for making speculative fiction an acceptable literary genre for adults. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy set the modern standard for high fantasy, while The Chronicles of Narnia is perhaps the first series for children that adults love just as much.

Our guides through this distinctive narrative are Mr. Lion and Wizard, obvious stand-ins for the two authors. Pages of illustrated narrative alternate with pages of graphic-novel-style comic panels, particularly as the Lion & Wizard explore the roots of Myth and Story. Some readers may be bemused by this, particularly as the pair direct us from the main story to byways such as “Origin of the Fairy Tale.” But these are fun as well as informative.

Unlike The Faithful Spy, Hendrix’s other graphic-novel biography, Mythmakers strikes me as more for teens and adults than middle grades (and not just because of the extraordinarily small type in the narrative sections!). Though Hendrix admits he can’t explore the depths of the story, he doesn’t shy away from its more unpleasant aspects, such as how the two men drifted apart. Tolkien’s harsh criticism of the Narnia books, his possible jealousy of Lewis’s fame and disapproval of Lewis’s marriage are necessary parts of the narrative, as are Lewis’s lack of sensitivity to his own feelings and those of others. But knowing this adds more poignancy to the final pages, where the two are reconciled over one final cup of tea in the shadowlands, before entering Joy forever: “It was grace, my friend.” “Who could have deserved it?” A speculative scene, yes. But what could be more true?

Bottom Line: Thoughtful, challenging, informative, truthful, humorous—and perhaps not for everyone. But rewarding for everyone else.

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Janie Cheaney

Janie is the VERY senior staff writer for Redeemed Reader, as well as a long-time contributor to WORLD Magazine and an author of nine books for children. The rest of the time she's long-distance smooching on her four grandchildren (not an easy task). She lives with her equally senior husband of almost-fifty years in the Ozarks of Missouri.

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