- Reading Level: Picture books, ages 4-8
- Recommended For: Ages 4-8
Where is Wisdom? A Treasure Hunt Through God’s Wondrous World, Inspired by Job 28, by Scott James, illustrated by Hein Zaayman, B&H Kids, 2020. 32 pages.

A thematic book in which a man searches for treasure, wandering the earth and admiring the gifts God has given. What is the greatest treasure? Wisdom. Where can wisdom be found? Not in the deeps of the earth or the sea, and it cannot be purchased with riches. God is the source of all wisdom, and the fear of the Lord is wisdom. All wisdom points to the greatest treasure, Jesus Christ.
The book is inspired by Job 28, which is one of my favorite chapters in Scripture for poetic language and imagery. The illustrations in Where is Wisdom are lovely, and children will enjoy looking at them, though they may not yet be ready to grasp the abstract concepts of what it means to search for wisdom as for hidden treasure. May this be an introduction to the value of doing so.
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The Story of Water by Caroline Saunders, illustrated by Jade Van Der Zalm. B&H Kids, 2022, 32 pages.

The Bible is full of themes and symbols that are fulfilled in Christ. Water is used throughout Scripture as a means of judgment and refreshment, and it is interesting to see a force of nature almost as a character in this book. Water is “invented” (not created?) in the beginning, and is sent or used by God in the flood, at the Red Sea, and flowing from the rock in the wilderness, until Jesus comes as the Living Water, bringing refreshment to people’s weary, dry souls.
The Story of Water is a thematic approach for families who already know the events included and who enjoy making connections between the Old Testament and the New.
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Praise Him! by Lauren Chandler. B&H Kids, 2022, 20 pages.
A lovely, rhyming book for toddlers about praising God from morning until evening, whether or not the day is going well. The Psalmist always found words to praise the Lord, and this book is a tool to teach little ones to do the same.
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Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Book Review: Readers who enjoy these titles may also appreciate The Story of God With Us, The Story of God our King, and The Forgotten King.
- Book Review: The Story of Us is another thematic picture book, written by Mitali Perkins.
- A Resource: Why Your Church Nursery Needs a Library
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