Though more of a devotional Bible than a study Bible, this edition offers thought-provoking questions and application features.
CSB Study Bible for Girls. Baker, 2018, 1360 pages. (Text size unavailable)

Recommended for: ages 9-12
Last year was the “year of the CSB,” or Christian Standard Bible, an update of the Holman Christian Standard Bible which first appeared in 2007. All the HCSB is phased out, all the editions are being republished in the updated translation, but this may be entirely new—at least, I don’t recall seeing it in the HCSB. I appreciate the subdued cover design—no abundance of flowers or butterflies—but be warned, there’s an awful lot of pink in the extra features. Two-column pages feature the words of Jesus in Red. The book introductions are unusually long at 2-3 pages, and include major themes and stories, thought questions, people, riddles and puns, and activities. In-text features include two-page character sketches, with bullet points and thought questions, brief devotions under the heading “Good Morning, God,” “Women’s World” (life for a woman in Bible times), and “Be All You Can Be” (tips for Christian living). Full-color inserts illustrate and elaborate on selected stories; other illustrations are line drawings (some of Jesus).
With its many application questions and devotionals, I wouldn’t classify this as a “study Bible.” It leans more toward personal devotion than Bible knowledge. As such, its value for the reader may depend more on her personality and receptiveness than her need for understanding what the scriptures actually say.
Value Rating: 3.5
NOTE: I haven’t been able to see an actual copy of the CSB Study Bible for Boys (with a similar cover in orange and gray) but judging from what I’ve seen online the features are the same, with a masculine slant when it’s obviously needed.
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