Bianca: The Brave, Frail, and Delicate Princess by Meg Welch Dendler

Bianca – The Brave, Frail, and Delicate Princess is a story about a young woman who defies expectation in order to save her kingdom. 

*Bianca – The Brave Frail and Delicate Princess by Meg Welch Dendler. Serenity Mountain Publishing, 2017. 196 pages.

  • Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10
  • Recommended For: Ages 8-10

Princess Bianca was told all her life that she was frail, delicate, and incapable of taking care of herself. She lived in a tower that kept her safe, but also kept her from experiencing real life, such as owning a pet, having friends, or even going outside. Her father would not let her out of the palace for fear something horrible would happen to her. She had her books, her father, and her Nanny, but she longed for more. At night, she would sneak into the great castle halls and pretend to go on grand adventures and fight monsters. She never dreamed that an adventure would find her – but one did.

Rumors of a dragon in the kingdom send the King and his knights out in search of the foul beast. When they do not return home, Bianca sneaks out of the palace to search for her father and the dragon. With a little help from a witch, some fairies, a sweet but stubborn donkey, and a white cat who is more than she seems, Bianca might just discover that she is more than just “delicate.” She may even discover that the largest threats can be faced with a small amount of courage. Meg Welch Dendler’s story is a charming tale that reminds readers that the expectations of others should not be the measure of their worth.

The straightforward prose and familiar plot elements may discourage those looking for a new take on fairy tales, but this book would be an enjoyable introduction into the fantasy genre for a young girl who enjoys classic fairy tales.

Cautions: None

Overall Rating: 3.75 (out of 5)

  • Worldview/Moral Value: 4.0
  • Artistic Value: 3.5

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