Three imaginative picture book biographies of early church heroes.

Heroes of the Faith Series by Sinclair Ferguson. Banner of Truth Books.
Ignatius of Antioch: The Man Who Faced Lions (2001)
Polycarp of Smyrna: The Man Whose Faith Lasted (2010)
Irenaeus of Lyons: The Man Who Wrote Books (2010)
Reading Level: Picture books, ages 4-8
Recommended For: Educators (including Sunday school teachers) who are studying early church history/ancient history
Sinclair Ferguson offers an imaginative introduction to three early church fathers for a younger audience. Using excerpts from their writing, he portrays their passion for serving Christ and preaching the gospel, and their willingness to die as martyrs. Because they loved the Lord Jesus Christ and clung to Scripture, they faithfully testified to the truth.

Polycarp of Smyrna lived many years and was finally burned at the stake.
Ignatius of Antioch was a friend of Polycarp and was killed by lions.
Irenaus of Lyons was a student of Polycarp and wrote books against false teaching.
Although the writing and illustrations are not superior, nonetheless these books provide a suitable description of three important early Christian heroes of the faith.
Cautions: Violence (martyrdom)
Overall Rating: 4
Worldview Rating: 5
Artistic Rating: 3
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