Back-to-School Backpack List (2016)

Child with backpack and a books pile

Just in time for the start of a new school year with new pencils, new protractors, new textbooks: our Back-to-School Backpack Booklist! As is our custom, the Back-to-School Backpack list features a few additions to the usual fiction lineup. This year, we have a short section on science books that covers a wide variety of ages, and we are also offering a short section on spiritual books to help your children be well rounded students of all subjects! It’s easy to overlook the need to educate and instruct in spiritual matters in the excitement of new math books, but this list will help you cover the bases.


RR_Spot the Cat

Picture Books (Ages 0-8)


RR_When Green Becomes

Early Readers (Ages 4-8)


RR_Josh Baxter

Middle Grades (Ages 8-12; books listed in order of age appropriateness)


RR_we will not be silent

Teen (Ages 12 and up)


RR_101 Coolest Science

Science Books (All Ages)


RR_teen bible

Biblical Resources (All Ages)

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  1. Check out | HeadHeartHand Blog on August 23, 2016 at 11:07 am

    […] Back-to-School Backpack List (2016) | Redeemed Reader Some reading suggestions for different ages to kickstart your school year. […]

  2. Sheila on August 23, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    The link for the review of the Teen Study Bible is broken.

    • Betsy Farquhar on August 23, 2016 at 5:00 pm

      Thanks, Sheila! We’ll check on that.

    • Betsy Farquhar on August 23, 2016 at 5:05 pm

      OK, Sheila, I think it’s because the review for that Teen Bible is scheduled to “re-post” tomorrow! It looks like we’ll need to re-link it tomorrow. I apologize for the delay. Good catch on the broken link!

    • Betsy Farquhar on August 27, 2016 at 3:12 pm

      Sheila–our link is finally working! Thanks again for bringing that to our attention earlier this week.

  3. Shirley Franklin on September 22, 2017 at 11:21 am

    Any comments on the Wildwood Chronicles?

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