Congratulations to our Sonnet Contest Winners!

I know it’s usual to proclaim how great all the entries are for any given contest, but it really is true for our sonnet contest. We received some outstanding contributions–all the more outstanding because the sonnet form can be a tricky one. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write a sonnet and send it in! We’re musing over someday publishing all the poetry and short story entries we’ve received over the years because there have been so many good ones.

But it’s also usual in each contest to announce an actual winner and runner up. We’ve forced ourselves to choose. Congratulations, ladies, for rising to the top of the pack!

Our winner, Elizabeth, age 19, will receive a $25 amazon gift certificate for her entry here:

I opened up a book to read and found
Myself transported to another land.
The words spun pictures in my mind, and bound
Me fast, a captive longer than I’d planned.
The time sped by. I didn’t care. I longed
To reach the end but not too soon. I knew
It could not last. To never end seemed wrong
So finally the book itself was through.
But now I find the tale lives on inside
My head. The words have seeped into my soul.
Protagonist of myriad books, I’ve died
And lived and learned that I can’t quite control
How when I open up a book, I find
The characters alive in my own mind.
–“I opened up a book to read and found myself”

Our runner up, Ria, a 9th grader, will receive copies of Janie’s Shakespearean historical fiction (The Playmaker and The True Princefor her entry here:

If only I could use a magic wand
I’d take us to a place where no one knows
Where seagulls rest before they flee the ground
No interruptions, no one watching close.
We’d watch the clouds, white ripples rushing past
And stopping only to wave us goodbye
The waterfall, whose ruthless innocent blast
Would drag and separate those who kick and cry
The time’s like killers, emotionless and fast
Reality sets in, we face our fate
Like sad films, revive, re-live our past
The orange sun sets, warning us we’re late
We share our last smile, before emotions start
And down the waterfall we go, we part.

Congratulations, again, ladies! Thanks, again, to everyone who entered. You surpassed our expectations!


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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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