Live From Philly! Betsy Tweets the ALA Youth Media Awards

flora and ulyssesSince Friday, unhealthy Betsy’s been rubbing elbows at the American Library Association winter conference in Philadelphia.  This morning she got up super early to snag a good seat at the Youth Media Awards, viagra the ALA’s BIG EVENT of the year.  This, of course, is where they announce winners of their coveted prizes, mainly the Newbery, Caldecott, and Michael Prinz.  Betsy and Janie made their predictions on Saturday–now we get to see how close we were!

Betsy’s excited about the Schneider awards, which are given for a picture book, middle-grade novels that reflect the experience of disability:



Betsy’s reviewed Splash of Red and Rose Under Fire; Janie has read Handbook for Dragon Slayers (the middle-grade winner) and will review next month.  I agree, these are good choices.

7:30 – Michael Prinz award announced for YA literature.  Janie’s choice doesn’t win–strike one!  (Winner is Midwinter Blood by Marcus Sedgewick.  We’ll give it a look.)

7:58 – Three books we’ve reviewed were awarded honors for excellence in nonfiction for middle grade and younger: Splash of Red, Locomotive, and Look Up!

8:05 – Tension heats up as Caldecott & Newbery awards are next.  Betsy’s on the hot seat!




And Locomotive wins!  We love that book around here!


8:10 – Now for the Newberys . . .

And here’s how we scored: Janie, 1 point for One Came Home.  Betsy, 1 point for Doll Bones.  However, one of the books on my wish list is an honor this year: Paperboy.  Yay!

Here’s this list:

Newbery Honor Books: Doll Bones, One Came Home, The Year of Billy Miller, Paperboy.  (See our review of The Year of Billy Miller tomorrow!)

THE WINNER: Flora & Ulysses

Overall, not bad for general worldview and literary excellence, and nothing seriously objectionable in this list.  Go check ’em out!





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Janie Cheaney

Janie is the VERY senior staff writer for Redeemed Reader, as well as a long-time contributor to WORLD Magazine and an author of nine books for children. The rest of the time she's long-distance smooching on her four grandchildren (not an easy task). She lives with her equally senior husband of almost-fifty years in the Ozarks of Missouri.

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