Web Newberys (Oct. 15)

Such an exciting week ahead!  Tomorrow we’ll post our interview with Sally Lloyd Jones, and she’ll tell us her thoughts on kids’ devotionals as well as her new book, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing.  Until then, here are a few interesting kids’ book-related posts from the blogosphere lately:

  • PW Kids Cast: If you enjoy hearing YA and kids’ book author podcasts, Publisher’s Weekly has started a new series.
  •  Tolkien’s New Book: The editor “has said that the book will more closely resemble ‘Sire Gawain and the Green Knight,’ a 14th century tale that Tolkien revamped for modern readers, than the author’s beloved trilogy.”
  • Gabby Douglas: Fans of the Olympic Gold Medalist and outspoken Christian may want to check out her book in the works.  Supposed to be out by Christmas!
  • Les Miserables: Have you seen the latest extended trailer!?  Coming this Christmas!  (Time to start reading the novel if you really want to savor it….)

What have you guys been reading lately?  Seen any good (or really awful!) books or blog posts you’d like to share with us?  I just got done reviewing BBC’s Call the Midwife for World, and I’m really excited to share some of my thoughts about it.  For instance, I found out that the memoirs the show is based on were written by a Christian.

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  1. Betsy on October 18, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    I just finished A Black Hole is Not a Hole, a nonfiction book geared for upper elementary/middle grades that’s getting a lot of buzz. I was pleasantly surprised with it. In addition to being well illustrated (and photographed), and well written, I liked that the author admitted freely how much we still don’t know. Some may be troubled with references to ages of the universe, but this was very much not a focus of the book. It didn’t feel too “evoluntion-y” if that makes sense.

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