Emily’s Top Ten

Finally getting around to this post.  I had hoped to post it during our six-month birthday celebration, but I ran out of room.  So…here are my top ten posts since we started the blog in February.  Sort of a summary of the scope of my writing and what you guys have found most helpful.

(One quick note: those of you who are looking for school curriculum for beginning readers, don’t miss my $20 Bookshelf Challenge below.  It contains a list of books I recommend for kids on the cusp of reading.)

  1. Tim Challies on Choosing Kids’ Books
  2. Anne Frank and I, Behind the Bookcase (pt.3)
  3. 10 Vacation Audiobooks for the Whole family
  4. $20 Bookshelf Challenge: Best Books for Beginners
  5. Announcing Our Mom with a Blog Contest
  6. What Ginger Plowman Taught Me About Kids’ Books
  7. True Grit and True Grace
  8. Christ in Literature: Worlds Without God
  9. Cooking Up Fun: Roald Dahl’s Revolting Recipes
  10. A Mother’s Day Mediation: She Has Done a Beautiful Thing

So those are your People’s Choice Awards for the past six months.  Any book/subject you’d like to see me tackle in the next few months?  I’m taking requests! 

You can also see Janie’s Top Ten Posts or read Our Blog Story for more on why and how we’ve come to write what we do on this blog.  Thanks for reading!



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