Summer Reading Challenge, Week 5: The Light Princess
Welcome to Week 5 of our Summer Reading Challenge! If you’d like to see other posts in this series, check out our Summer Reading Challenge Page. The Light Princess by George MacDonald. Square Fish, 1984. 120 pgs. Ages 8 and up. George MacDonald was a Christian writer during the Victorian era who was influenced by…
Read MoreLemonade and Lit, Week 4: Debate on Sexuality in Booked
Other Lemonade and Lit posts: Introduction, Week One: Booked, Week Two: Booked Discussion, Week Three: Beauty, Week Four: Sexuality in Booked, Week Five: Beauty Discussion, Week Six: The Last Thing I Remember, Week Seven: Klavan Discussion. Lemonade and Lit: An Adult-Teen Read Along, Week 4 A DEBATE WORTH HAVING This week was supposed to be…
Read MoreInteresting Picture Book Biographies (Librarians’ List)
Many people think picture books should be left behind in the preschool years. Megan and I heartily disagree with that sentiment, and we invite you to check out one of these picture book biographies at your local library to read through with your family of all ages. They are great jumping off points for more…
Read MoreLemonade and Lit, Week 3: Beauty by Robin McKinley
Other Lemonade and Lit posts: Introduction, Week One: Booked, Week Two: Booked Discussion, Week Three: Beauty, Week Four: Sexuality in Booked, Week Five: Beauty Discussion, Week Six: The Last Thing I Remember, Week Seven: Klavan Discussion. Lemonade and Lit: An Adult-Teen Read Along, Week 3 This post is a little late due to some internet…
Read MoreLemonade and Lit Read Along, Week 2: Booked Discussion
Other Lemonade and Lit posts: Introduction, Week One: Booked, Week Two: Booked Discussion, Week Three: Beauty, Week Four: Sexuality in Booked, Week Five: Beauty Discussion, Week Six: The Last Thing I Remember, Week Seven: Klavan Discussion. Lemonade and Lit: An Adult-Teen Read Along, Week 2 Last Saturday, Gina Dalfonzo of Breakpoint Youth Reads introduced our…
Read MoreEat, Pray, Read…and Eat Again! Around the World Food Facts with Nive Burris
In our trip around the world (see our Summer Reading Challenge), what could be more fun than using food to explore different cultures? Today, Nive Burris, a Christian from India and food blogger at, helps us think about how food reflects culture. Plus, she offers links to recipes on her website, so you can…
Read MoreSummer Reading Challenge, Week 3: Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Introduction We’ve added a Summer Reading Challenge tab at the top of our website, to help you keep up with the posts as the summer goes on. Here’s a link if you’d like to check it out! This week in our trip Around the World in 60 Days, we’re staying in the U.S. for a…
Read MoreBook News, Freebies & Cheapies
News Happy Monday! It’s a busy week here at RR, find with Mr. Popper’s Penguins up next in our Summer Reading Challenge for kids. (Here is our post on The Middle of Somewhere and our Around the World post.) Watch for that post Tuesday, Lord willing. We’ll also have a tasty post on Thursday from…
Read MoreLemonade and Lit Read Along, Week 1: Booked by Karen Swallow Prior
Other Lemonade and Lit posts: Introduction, Week One: Booked, Week Two: Booked Discussion, Week Three: Beauty, Week Four: Sexuality in Booked, Week Five: Beauty Discussion, Week Six: The Last Thing I Remember, Week Seven: Klavan Discussion. Lemonade and Lit: An Adult-Teen Read Along, Week 1 Happy Saturday, guys! I’m sitting here at a coffee shop,…
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