“Sarah, Plain and Tall Series” by Gladys Hunt
We’ve got another post from Gladys Hunt for you today about a series beloved to many. For the other posts in this series, please check out The Hive for a complete list to date. “Sarah, Plain and Tall Series” by Gladys Hunt The nine-to-twelve year old readers are getting heavy-duty reading lists from librarians across…
Read More“On Your Next Trip to the Library” by Gladys Hunt
In the fourteenth of our series of previously-unpublished posts, Gladys Hunt makes a list of her most-favorite recent picture books to check out at the library. One Your Next Trip to the Library by Gladys Hunt Take along a list when you go to the library. I like it that many people take along a…
Read More"Words That Build People" by Gladys Hunt
Gladys Hunt gently reminds us that our words make a big impact on our children; let us use words that build up instead of tear down. This is part of our series of previously-unpublished blogposts by the author of Honey For a Child’s Heart. “Words that Build People” by Gladys Hunt The other day I heard a…
Read More“Watch Your Expletives!” by Gladys Hunt
In the twelfth in our series of previously-unpublished posts, Gladys Hunt cautions about “those words” our kids pick up at school, at play–and increasingly in books. Watch Your Expletives! by Gladys Hunt I try not to be the family grammarian, but I have teased my granddaughter (in-love) about the way she adds at to questions…
Read MoreGladys Hunt: Grammar Does Matter
Gladys Hunt reflects on the importance of grammar, plain and simple, in this essay. It’s not as hard as you might think! This is the next in our series of blogposts by the author of Honey For a Child’s Heart. “Grammar Does Matter” by Gladys Hunt Every family has its own way of speaking. It’s partly…
Read More“Second Guessing the Message” by Gladys Hunt
In the tenth of our previously-unpublished posts by Gladys Hunt, she begins a series on the value of language by reflecting on nonverbal communication. Years ago when we visited France for the first time, someone gave us tickets to see Marcel Marceau, the world-famous mime. It was a delight! Partly because we didn’t have to…
Read MoreGladys Hunt: Early Literacy with Preschoolers
Gladys Hunt shares some tips for encouraging early literacy in young children in this latest post. For more in our Gladys Hunt series, see The Hive. Please note: the title for this post was created by Redeemed Reader since Hunt didn’t title it. Preschoolers develop an awareness and an interest in reading at different times. A child’s…
Read MoreSave Me A Seat: Book Club Tips and Questions
Readers, it’s almost October! Let me pour myself some Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea. (You can have your pumpkin spice lattes!) Are you reading along with my kids and me for the Love Your Neighbor Book Club? We read Save Me a Seat for September, and it was a fantastic choice for the start…
Read MoreThe ABCs of Building Your Picture Book Collection
What, you thought you could just walk into a bookstore and buy a book? How do you determine whether or not a picture book is worthy, not only of your book budget, but also the limited bookshelf space in your home? A good picture book has universal appeal and is worth adding to your home…
Read More“Boys and Books” by Gladys Hunt
This latest in our Gladys Hunt series, which we affectionately call The Hive, looks at the types of books boys enjoy and muses over why so many boys quit reading as they grow older. “Boys and Books” by Gladys Hunt Little boys like books as much as little girls! There’s no gender issue in books for…
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