*Glory in the Margins: Sunday Poems by Nikki Grimes

Glory in the Margins: Sunday Poems is a striking and deeply spiritual collection of poetry worth savoring.

*Glory in the Margins: Sunday Poems by Nikki Grimes. Paraclete Press, 2021, 176 pages.

cover of glory in the margins
  • Reading Level: Teen/Adult, ages 12+
  • Recommended for: ages 12+

Let me first acknowledge that this book has been on my personal Christmas wish list ever since its publication date. My beloved family members (those who have access to my Amazon wish list) have cheerfully ignored my request. So, a hearty THANKS to Paraclete Press for offering me a review copy upon my request. It’s every bit as good as I was expecting (as is the companion volume, Glory, Too!)

Drawn from the poetry Grimes composed for worship at her own local church, Glory in the Margins: Sunday Poems includes a poem for every week of the year, divided up by month. (No actual dates, just groupings by month.) They are convicting, breathtaking, thought-provoking, and moving. The book opens with a meditation on 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, beginning:

The Father is unerringly faithful

to those who are his,

a belonging not secured

by shackles of iron that can be broken.

No. This belonging is sealed by

the blood and life surrendered

of a Son—his, a fierce bond

no sin or foul weather can untether.

~”His” (p. 13)

Poetry provides a unique means of reflecting on Scripture, both the reading of poetry and the writing of it. I’m not a poet, but I’m grateful for those, like Nikki Grimes, who are! Each poem in this volume is inspired by a passage or two of Scripture, and references are included. It seems worth reading both the Scripture passage and the accompanying poem. The poem will offer some added nuance to think about as you ponder the biblical passage. You may disagree with Grimes’s “nuance” on occasion, but I have no doubt that the collection as a whole will move you to think more deeply and, if you’re anything like me, say a hearty “amen” aloud as you read (much to the amusement of those around me).

Note: I have not read each poem yet because poetry is a slow, meditative read, but I can heartily recommend the book based on the 50% I’ve gobbled up. I look forward to savoring this volume slowly over the course of the year, each Sunday in turn.

Bottom Line: Glory in the Margin: Sunday Poems is a delightful anthology, worth owning and pondering!

*indicates a starred review, a “best of the best” in its category.

  • Reviews: One Last Word, a book for young people that showcases Harlem Renaissance poets alongside Nikki’s original verse.
  • Review: Janie and I both really enjoyed Grimes’s memoir-in-verse, Ordinary Hazards. Read our thoughts and save for mature teens.
  • Resource: Nikki Grimes has received many accolades, including a lifetime achievement award from the ALA.

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Order Glory, Too: Poems from Amazon.

You can also purchase Glory, Too: Poems (and the accompanying volume, Glory in the Margins) directly from the publisher, Paraclete Press.

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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