*Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin

We’ve updated our review of this gem: a lovely story about gratitude and Chinese mythology for middle grades.

Note: this is one of our featured titles for our 2024 Summer Reading Program—Around the World: Asia & Africa! You can buy this book, and the rest, through our Summer Reading Book Fair with Storyglory Kids. (Use our coupon code Redeemed15 for 15% off your books!).

*Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. Little, Brown, 2009. 278 pages.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
  • Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-12
  • Recommended For: Ages 6 and up

Summary of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

In Mountain, young Minli wants desperately to change her lot in life—her fortune. She ends up running away thanks in part to a talking goldfish. Her goal? to find the Old Man of the Moon and ask him a question about how to improve her family’s fortune. Along the way, she befriends a dragon who makes the journey with her—he has a question for the Old Man of the Moon, too. When Minli finally reaches the Old Man of the Moon, he tells her he will answer but one question. She must choose between her own question and that of her friend, the dragon.

Grace Lin sprinkles Chinese folklore in story format throughout the book: it seems that each person Minli meets has a new story for her that builds on the rich tradition her father began. These stories weave a significant part of the narrative together and enrich Minli’s understanding of the way the world works (like all great stories do!).

Truth and Story in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Truth and Story are useful when discussing a book like Mountain that features Chinese mythology, dragons, a runaway, fantasy elements, and more! Why do we read books like these and why do we encourage you to do so? In this case, it’s because we (in particular, I) believe that there are elements of Truth in this work and that it is a great example of Story. When those are both present in a work of literature, you have a book worth reading, my friends.

So, where do we see Truth and Story? Story is easy: this book is a rich literary creation. No question there—even though much of it comes from a different cultural perspective than our own. The stories-within-the-story are fascinating, the writing is excellent, and the artwork is lovely.

But what about Truth? Even though this is not a Book-with-a-Message, Grace Lin sends home a powerful message by the end of the book: be content and be thankful. Be content with where you are, who you are created to be, and what you’re calling is—even if that calling requires sacrifice for your friends and family. It is then, and only then, that our “fortunes” change. Even if our “fortunes” don’t actually change, doesn’t it feel like they do when we’re truly content? When we are content with where the Lord has placed us, with what He has given us, then our eyes are opened to see more of His blessings. When we choose His way, then we find that we are a blessing to others and that our own lives are rich in return.

Did Grace Lin mean for us to take away a specifically Christian message from this book? Probably not. Does that mean we can’t use a book like this to illuminate Truth and to discuss it with our children? Definitely not. Additionally, there is an excellent author’s note at the end of this book outlining where Grace Lin got her material.

Considerations: none

Overall Rating: 4.75 out of 5

  • Worldview Rating: 4.75
  • Literary Rating: 5

Read more about our ratings here. *indicates a starred review

  • If you enjoyed this book, check out the companion novels, Starry River of the Sky and When the Sea Turned to Silver. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is also excellent in audio format, but you will miss out on the lovely illustrations if that is your only acquaintance with the book.
  • For slightly older readers, Grace Lin’s retelling of Mulan is very well done and thought-provoking.
  • Her most recent book, Chinese Menu, is a delight for those interested in Chinese folklore!

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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