Books about sexuality for kids and teens are not new, but these days, it’s getting harder to separate the wheat from the chaff. Well-meaning titles might include a lot of valuable, helpful information, only to toss in tidbits about the viability of abortion for unwanted pregnancies, birth control options for teens who choose to be sexually active, or descriptions of non-binary gender and sexuality as viable self-identities.
We’ve got a round-up for you today of two new(ish) books about sexuality, one for all ages and one for teens. Remember, if we don’t educate our children and teens about biblical sexuality, Google, advertising, and your kids’ friends will educate them about our culture’s norms.
Two Books about Sexuality for Kids and Teens
*Crafted by God from Fertilization to Birth by Georgia Purdom and Stacia McKeever. Master Books, 2023. 22 pages.

Reading Level: Picture Books, all ages
Recommended For: All ages
Every page of this book is a delight and a wonder. Purdom and McKeever have created a robust guide to a baby’s development in child-friendly terms that highlight God’s amazing artistry at work in the creation of every human. This large format picture book includes many interactive displays: flaps to lift or pull to reveal more information and images. The book opens with a defense of what sets people apart from apes and introduces young people to the marvels of DNA. Clearly identifying people as male or female in the text, the story of a baby begins with the moment DNA from the father combines with the DNA from the mother (neatly skipping over how that combination actually happens). From that point, the development of the baby is clearly portrayed until it’s born.
What I especially appreciate about this book, in addition to its amazing craftsmanship, is the reflection of many different races. It also has a neat two-page spread about those with chromosomal abnormalities, explaining such conditions as Down’s Syndrome. The book concludes with a joyful reminder that we are all created in God’s image. The back of the book calls readers to “Celebrate Life,” and the book itself is a terrific tool to that end.
This book was provided free of charge in return for a fair review; I specifically requested the book in question because the previews looked so good. It did not disappoint!
- Worldview/moral value: 5
- Artistic/literary value: 5
Alive: Gospel Sexuality for Students from Harvest USA. New Growth Press, 2018. 136 pages.

Reading Level: Teen/Adults, ages 12 and up
Recommended For: Ages 12 and up
Alive: Gospel Sexuality for Students is actually a 2-in-1 book: the first half is for students, the second for leaders. Because of the nature of the book and its study materials, I think it would be better as two separate books. However, the book’s content is excellent and worth the hassle of juggling the two-in-one nature.
Designed as a small-group study (perhaps for youth groups), this book covers the key sexuality issues of our day: a biblical foundation for sexuality, singleness, marriage, dating, pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, and transgender issues. Sample case studies are not graphic, but they do not beat around the bush. Questions are direct and to the point; this is a book for groups that already have a foundation with one another and who are willing to grapple honestly with some uncomfortable (and very personal) topics (and the book won’t work as well without a group setting). Questions will have teens digging into Scripture, grappling with the issues, and examining their own hearts. Often, the questions don’t have clear answers in the back, but they will prompt good discussion and direct teens back to Scripture. Consistently, the focus is on holiness, the gospel, and looking to Jesus. For youth leaders, Sunday school teachers, and pastors looking for a no-holds-barred, Bible-based resource on sexuality, this is one to check out.
- Worldview/moral value: 5
- Artistic/literary value: 4.75
Related Reading at Redeemed Reader:
- A Review: Nine Months by Miranda Paul is another lovely picture book about the development of a baby.
- A Reflection/Book List: Reading and Talking About Sexuality (for teens/adults)
Read more about our ratings here.
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