The Leeman’s excellent student hymnal has been republished by Moody Press, with additional songs and supplements.
*Our Hymns, Our Heritage: A Student Guide to Songs of the Church by David and Barbara Leeman. Moody, 2022, 288 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12
Recommended for: ages 6 and up
A Neglected Heritage
Almost seven years ago, the Leemans self-published their student hymnbook, Hosanna, Loud Hosannas, to which we gave an enthusiastic review. It’s a beautiful volume exploring 115 classic hymns of the church, with all lyrics and musical score. The book is a true keepsake, not least for the beautiful full-color art reprints included. Now it’s even more of a treasure, as that first edition has sold out and copies now go for $120 and up online.
The good news is that Moody has published a new edition under a new title. Our Hymns, Our Heritage lacks the full-color art reproductions (a casualty of high printing costs), but the text remains, enhanced by the addition of five spirituals from the African-American tradition. The collection includes Christian writers from the earliest days of the church, such as Aurelius Prudentius, and goes all the way up to contemporary lyricists like Stuart Townend. The hymns are organized in three major sections (with spirituals added at the end). The first 37 take us through the church year from Advent to Pentecost. The second section, titled “God Is,” explores the Trinitarian and Sovereign nature of God, as well as attributes including Love, Hope, Omnipresence, and more. “We Respond” encourages us in Praise, Thanksgiving, Confessions, Petition, Testimony, and Commitment.
Singing and Learning
Each hymn is given a two-page spread with all verses and the melody line (as well as some two-part harmony) on the right-hand page. On the facing page of each is an introduction to the lyricist and composer (or tune), followed by a meditation on the meaning of the hymn—ideal material for family devotionals. The authors include suggestions for teaching these hymns in a family or homeschool setting. The more musically inclined may want to order the spiral-bound book of piano accompaniments, but families who lack a piano can sing along with a USB drive. Both the piano score and the USB drive are available at the Leemans’ website, Hosanna Hymnals.
As Keith and Kristen Getty observe in their Forward to Our Hymns, Our Heritage, “It is refreshing to see a book of hymns selected for children to sing that tell the gospel and teach complex biblical truths in a timeless way.” I can personally testify that the great hymns of the church, learned this young, will never be forgotten. Even at the ripe old age of 70+.
Overall Rating: 5 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: 5
- Artistic/literary value: 5
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Reviews: See our review of the Leeman’s Advent hymnbook, Hosanna in Excelsis. Also Hymns for a Child’s Heart by Joni Earickson Tada and Bobbie Wolgemuth.
- Review: Another good family devotional resource, straight from the word, is The NIV Family Reading Bible.
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