Unfolding Grace for Kids leads middle-graders and younger through the Bible with selected readings and introductions.

Unfolding Grace for Kids: A 40-Day Journey through the Bible. Crossway, 2021, 270 pages
Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12
Recommended for: ages 10-15 independently; ages 8-12 as a read-aloud
In Unfolding Grace, published by Crossway in 2020, the Bible was broken into 40 long readings that covered the entire scope of redemption from Genesis to Revelation. Unfolding Grace for Kids follows the same outline, with the same chapter headings and symbolic, woodcut-style illustrations. The main difference is shorter intros and Bible selections. The seven main division titles are “The Story Begins” (Genesis), “God’s People Redeemed” (Exodus-Joshua), “God’s Kingdom Established” (Judges-II Samuel), God’s Kingdom Declined and Partially Restored” (I Kings-Nehemiah), “The Hope of Restoration” (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel), “The Dawning of the Kingdom” (Mark), and “The Gospel Spreads and All Is Made New” (Acts, Ephesians, Revelation).
Some disturbing stories are included, like what it took to repopulate the tribe of Benjamin (Judges 23). Others are left out, like the near-sacrifice of Isaac. The Isaac story has profound implications but perhaps would have taken too long to address. What remains is incisive and readable (ESV translation). It comes in an attractive package also: a clothbound, foil-stamped volume with ribbon marker, which will stand up to years (perhaps generations) of rereading.
Overall Rating: 4.75
- Worldview/moral value: 5
- Artistic/literary value: 4.5
Read more about our ratings here.
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