Valentine’s Day Picture Books: Valentine, Be Mine, The House of Love, and Ballad of Valentine

Three picture books about Valentine’s Day: Valentine, Be Mine is practical, The House of Love invites the reader to anticipate a party at home with a big family, and Ballad of Valentine is so tender and sweet…do sing it to the tune of Clementine, if you can.

The Ballad of Valentine by Alison Jackson, illustrated by Tricia Tusa. Dutton Children’s Books, 2002.

ballad of valentine cover image, a picture book about valentine's day

A bespectacled, shy admirer of his pompadoured neighbor tries in vain to tell her how ardently he admires and loves her, but his every effort goes awry. He tries letters, homing pigeon, smoke signals, pony express, telegram, and more, but the message never seems to get through…still, his love is not in vain. The ending is so sweet I can’t spoil it for you, so do find it if you can. If you know the tune to the original “Ballad of Clementine,” then by all means, serenade the book to your sweetheart! The illustrations are delightful.

Review originally posted here with our other favorite picture books about Valentine’s Day.

Valentine Be Mine by Jacqueline Farmer, illustrated by Megan Halsey and Sean Addy. Charlesbridge, 2013, 32 pages.

cover image of valentine, be mine, a picture book

Did you know that Valentine’s Day is named after THREE God-fearing men named Valentine, all of whom were martyred on February 14? Valentine’s Day is built on many traditions, including romantic sentiments, cards, chocolate, and flowers.

Farmer’s book nicely weaves the history together with simple, creative ideas for making gifts.

The House of Love by Adriana Trigiani, illustrated by Amy June Bates. Viking Books for Young Readers, 2021, 40 pages.

cover image of house of love, a valentine's day picture book

It’s a delight to find a new story about a loving, though poor, family with seven kids, a dog, an old house, and a mom who stays home to create a Valentine’s Day party with her youngest daughter while they wait for the rest of the family to come home. The House of Love is full of affection and warmth–I’m so glad I stumbled across this one. It makes me want to decorate with a paper garlands made of hearts, even though I usually don’t take the time to make it happen.

Pair this with Home in the Woods by Eliza Wheeler for another story about a poor family with many children who are content and find pleasure making do with what they have.

Dear readers, what are YOUR special plans to celebrate the gift of those we love?

Mine include making tiramisu and a paper chain heart garland (though I can’t find a tutorial for the one my boys like to make…it involves cutting paper strips almost all the way through, folding them back, and using a stapler at the bottom). Share your ideas with us in the comments!

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Megan Saben

Megan is Associate Editor for Redeemed Reader, and she loves nothing more than discovering Truth and Story in literature. She is the author of Something Better Coming, and is quite particular about which pottery mug is best suited to her favorite hot drinks throughout the day. Megan lives with her husband and five boys in Virginia.

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  1. Cindy Davis on February 12, 2022 at 7:59 am

    Such cute picture books! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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