Three new picture books offer sure-fire hooks for preschoolers and primary-graders alike.
I Can Make a Train Noise by Michael Emberley and Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. Holiday House, 2021, 32 pages

Reading Level: Picture Book, ages 0-4
Recommended for: ages 1-4
In a busy, crowded station under the overpass, a girl and her family are waiting to board their train. It arrives with a rush and blows everyone aboard. On its way out of the city it clickity-clacks over the rails, picks up speed and roars through a tunnel. Sweeping around the coastline, speeding through the countryside, it settles into a steady rhythm through the night and finally arrives and its destination with a squeal of brakes.
This is a terrific read-aloud but will take a few read-throughs or practice rounds to do well. That’s because the only text is “I can make a train noise,” with the coda “now,” or “now now.” After listening a few times, your preschooler will have great fun “reading” along as the text builds up speed, slows down, jumps up and down in pitch, and fades into the distance. Warm, detailed illustrations are worth pouring over even without the sound effects.
Overall rating: 4 (out of 5)
Dakota Crumb: Tiny Treasure Hunter by Jamie Michalak, illustrated by Kelly Murphy. Candlewick, 2021, 32 pages.
Reading Level: Picture Book, 0-4
Recommended for: ages 2-5

After hours in the great big museum, a small figure creeps out of the shadows. “How is this mouse of mystery?” Miss Dakota Crumb, on the hunt for a famous priceless treasure hidden in the museum. On the way she’ll discover other treasures for her collection, but none will distract her from her goal. Braving dangers like the Great Broom and the Evil-Eyed Cat, she presses on until the treasure is in view at last. Then to bear it triumphantly back to her own Mousehole Museum, where it will be on display for Dakota’s feathered, furred, and six-legged friends.
Clever, detailed pictures and a loveable hero make this a fun read-=aloud for little ones, who will also enjoy finding additional treasures on Dakota’s list on the last two pages.
Overall Rating: 4
How to Make a Friend by Stephen W. Martin, illustrated by Olivia Aserr. Clarion, 2021, 32 pages.
Reading Level: Picture Book, ages 4-8
Recommended for: ages 4-10

Making friends is easy with a basic knowledge of advanced robotics and full set of power tools—just be sure to ask your parents if you can use the plutonium. Once your friend is made, have fun with all the stuff friends do together: hide and seek, tea parties, and water fights (but nix on the water if your friend is electrical). It’s okay if your pal makes other pals, who could become your pals too, but if those other friends starting developing a plot to take over the neighborhood, it’s time for a reboot. Rather than making another friend, look around to see if you might find one already made (i.e., human).
Kids will need some sense of irony to appreciate the understated text compared with laugh-out-loud illustrations. But that level of irony develops early. This is a book adults will enjoy as much as their kids.
Overall Rating: 4
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Reviews: See our reviews of Train and Locomotive.
- Review: Battle Bunny is another ironic read that will have grownups and kids laughing out loud.
- Resource: Tiny Heroes! A list of mouse books.
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