Get Ready for the Eclipse! Space and Sci-Fi Booklist

Ready for the Eclipse?

Have you tested out your eclipse glasses? Do you know where you’re going to be on August 21 when the eclipse happens? Are you planning to travel to a better spot, or are you one of the lucky ones who’s already in a 100% coverage zone? Do you have your eclipse books handy?

Don’t worry: the Redeemed Reader team is here for you!

Space and Sci-Fi Booklist

Enjoy these varied titles below that we’ve reviewed on Redeemed Reader over the years; some are fiction and some are nonfiction, some are just for fun and some have more “meat” to them. While most aren’t technically eclipse books, they all relate to space in some fashion. Check out a few from your local library to read while you wait for the space event of our lifetime to happen in just a few days. Titles are linked to RR reviews where applicable.

Sci-Fi and Space-Themed Fiction
Nonfiction about Space (and related topics)

Let the Heavens Declare…

Don’t forget to read Psalms 8 and 19 (as well as myriad other Scripture passages!) that remind us who put these celestial bodies in the sky, who sustains them, and how marvelous it is that the Lord cares for us in the midst of such staggering scope and scale as the universe.

What books have you read lately about space in general or the eclipse in particular? Tell us in the comments. We’d love to add to our list!


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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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