Wisdom & Wonder: All About God’s Word (Links!)

God’s Word is a Treasure

Did you know that there are a wealth of Bible-related resources here at Redeemed Reader? Children’s literature is not our first love; God’s Word is! Check out some of these resources below as you meditate on this week’s theme of God’s Word as a treasure.

Bible Reviews

Janie reviews loads of children’s and teen’s Bibles each year. Search “Bible Reviews” on our site to see which Bibles she recommends (because they’re faithful to Scripture) and which ones to leave on the shelf (usually because they add too much to Scripture thematically or are difficult to read).

The Good Book Category

We have an entire category on our site simply called “The Good Book.” Whenever we review something that is directly Bible-related, we add it to this category. In addition to Bible reviews, this category also includes discipleship materials and anything Bible- or Christian walk-related.

2012 Bible Reading Challenge

Back in 2012, Redeemed Reader sponsored a Bible Reading Challenge. Throughout the year, children and their families read a portion of Scripture each week along with a short introduction to the week’s theme. They then had a range of activity options (including making their own story Bibles!). If you discovered us after 2012, you may have missed this gem. If you, like me, had children in the younger age range in 2012, let me encourage you to revisit it! We hope to make this a bit more accessible in the future, but for now, you will see the weeks in reverse chronological order. Here is the link for the Introduction (to save you some scrolling).

Other Resources (off-site)

We are thankful to live in the 21st century when a copy of God’s Word is just a “click” away. Check out esv.org for an ESV Bible you can read anytime. Bible.com is another fantastic resource; their app includes multiple translations plus audio options (and the app is free). I love listening to the Word in the morning as I make breakfast.  Olive Tree is good resource that adds loads of study helps and confessions to the app as well as Scripture.

Hiding God’s Word in our hearts is so important. Resources like Fighter Verses help us do just that!

Have kids who enjoy writing (or need to learn to writer better)? Check out some of the write-out-Scripture plans below:

There are so many options these days–don’t take them for granted! Use them. Read the Word. Meditate on it. Hide it in your heart. And one day, we will see the Word Himself!

Please share other resources you’d recommend for studying and reading God’s Word in the comments below! We’d love to check them out.

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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