One Dog and His Boy by Eva Ibbotson

one dog

A lonely boy and a lonely girl team up to rescue their dog friends and end up each finding a true home in this feel-good middle grades read.

One Dog and His Boy by Eva Ibbotson. Scholastic, 2012 (first published 2011). 288 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-12

Recommended For: Middle Grades, ages 8-12 (especially animal lovers!)

Hal has everything he wants, everything that is, except a dog. As the only child of very busy and uptight parents, Hal is a bit lonely. Hence, his burning desire to have a dog. Hal’s parents, however, are dead set against his getting a dog or any pet that might disturb the pristine, predictable, controlled state of the house. It just so happens that in his town, there’s a “rent-a-pet” agency, and Hal’s dad decides to rent Hal a dog for his birthday weekend. The only problem? He neglects to tell Hal that the dog is merely a rental. Oh, the heartbreak when Fleck is returned abruptly to the rental agency on Monday morning after his blissful weekend with Hal. Both boy and dog are miserable…until a brave young girl hatches a rescue plan, a rescue plan that involves both Hal and the dog Fleck along with several other dogs from the same shelter. A plan that involves boy, girl, and dogs traveling across the country to Hal’s grandparents—who do not know they are coming. A desperate plan that leads the motley crew into numerous adventures and which ends up leading all parties to new homes just right for each of them.

We will never feel truly “home” this side of heaven, but we most definitely need homes here on earth, too. Sometimes families don’t know how to create a true home for their children and need dramatic experiences to show them what’s missing. And sometimes, kids need pets as part of that home. Everything works out rather tidily in this feel-good middle grades gem, but it’s a wonderful read and a great adventure story that both boys and girls will enjoy.

Cautions: none

Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5)

  • Worldview Rating: 4
  • Artistic Rating: 4

Categories: Middle Grades, Realistic Fiction, 4 stars and up
Cover image from Amazon

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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