Bookshelf Giveaway Winners

Question #1 Winner (Annie and Snowball and the Thankful Friends): Maggie Dolch

Question #2 Winner (Simonetta Carr’s The Weight of a Flame and Lady Jane Grey): Travis Lowe

Question #3 Winner (Call the Midwife): Nathan Huffstutler

Question #4 Winner (Hand of Vengeance): Robert Tarullo

Question #5 (Carine MacKenzie books and more!): Jessalyn Hutto

Question #6 (Reformation package): Michael Wehrle

Question #8 Winner (Christine Farenhorst): Celeste Harris

Question #9 Winner (Lion Children’s Bible): Hannah Romero

Question #7 : Kim Tweten  *There was no Question #5, so the winner of Question #5 listed in the previous post actually was told she had won #6?s prize and so on.  Rather than un-gift what’s already been assigned, I’m going to give Kim the alternate gift I had planned to give if there had been enough time.  So, Kim, you get John Stott: The Humble Leader by Julia Cameron.

Jackpot Question #10 (Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd Jones, Book One of The Imagination Station (so great!), Eric Carle Treasury of Classic Stories for Children, Patricia MacLauchlan’s new Boxcar Children prequel, and a copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sanctifying Myth by Bradley Birzer.): Hayley Schoeppler

Please email me at to claim your prizes, if you haven’t already!  And please note that everyone who signed up for the Hobbit Read Along had been entered in the last jackpot drawing.

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