Books-to-Movies Contest: We Have a Winner!

When we teamed up with, Janie and I hoped there would be a little interest in the subject.  Little did we know that in response to our contest, our guest and readers combined would produce over 50 suggestions of good books made into movies, all excellent for family viewing!  I am so grateful to each of our readers who responded, since I’m going to drawing on their ideas for many years to come.   And by the way, if you’re in need of family movie night recommendations, I don’t think you’ll get a better list than the ones our guest and readers created together at Books-to-Movies: ‘Training Reel Thinkers’.  John Kwasny, Ph.d, did a great job in his post, and many of you responded to his thoughts–something I’m very grateful for!

Of course, I did dangle a carrot.  Best response was to get a new book-and-movie combo of his or her choice, up to a $25 value.  So, tonight I had to choose.  I thought about doing the number system again, but I felt their ought to be some consideration of merit.  But how should I weigh one suggestion against another?  Should the person with the most suggestions win?  In the end, I decided to choose one an author who gave us not only good suggestions, but also offered a bit of worldview critique as well.  Several fit this description, but I finally decided the award would go to Sally Apokedak. I hope you all will take the time to check out her blog as a thanks for her offering of good book-movies.

And thanks again John Kwasny and the other guys at Reelthinking and to everyone who entered!   A blog is so much more fun to write and tend when I have such nice, thoughtful folks to help me!


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  1. Sally Apokedak on September 3, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Wow! Thank you. I’m thrilled. And thanks for the plug for my blog.

  2. Sally Apokedak on September 3, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Wow! Thank you. I’m thrilled. And thanks for the plug for my blog.

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