J. R. R. Tolkien for Kids by Simonetta Carr
An interactive biographical introduction to Tolkien with 21 activities, J. R. R. Tolkien for Kids is perfect for middle grade Tolkien enthusiasts.J. R. R. Tolkien for Kids: His Life and Writing with 21 Activities by Simonetta Carr. Chicago Review Press, 2021. 144 pages.Reading Level: Middle Grade (Ages 12 and up) Recommended For: Ages 12 and…
Read MoreHappy “We Love Memoirs” Day!
Memoirs are a time-honored genre representing some of the great classics of literature.
Read More*Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies by Marilyn McEntyre
Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies makes readers think through how to be better stewards of words. *Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, 2nd edition by Marilyn McEntyre. Eerdmans, 2021. 248 pages. Reading Level: Adults Recommended For: Teens and adults, ages 15 and up Words are entrusted to us as equipment…
Read MoreStones and Stories by Judith E. Anderson
Stones and Stories is a concise primer on literary analysis and hermeneutics, building off the intriguing extended metaphor of stones. Stones and Stories: A Primer on Literary Analysis, Hermeneutics, and Writing by Judith E. Anderson. Resource Publications, 2019. 96 pages. Reading Level: Teens, ages 12 and up Recommended For: Teens, ages 12 and up, in…
Read MoreReading Afghanistan
Good books can help children understand the background of this beleaguered nation.
Read MoreThe Redeemed Reader Bible Pilgrimage: How and Why
My Story and His I was raised in a denomination that took the Bible very seriously: “We speak where the Bible speaks, and are silent where the Bible is silent!” The advantage was, I had quite a bit of knowledge by the time I graduated high school. Not only could I name all 66 books…
Read MoreA Cookie Story Tea
A cookie story tea is a great place to share my personally developed recipe for chocolate chip cookies. May these books enhance your pleasure in making and sharing them! Golden Key Members find a themed Story Tea printed in each copy of Redeemed Reader Quarterly. Have you tried any of them yet? Which is your…
Read MoreA Bible Reading Pilgrimage in Three Parts
Bible Pilgrimage, Part 1: Reading the Bible with Young Children Almost 10 years ago (in January, 2012), before Megan and I joined the official Redeemed Reader team, Janie and Emily embarked on an ambitious, read along project: a Bible Reading Challenge.* 48 weeks’ worth, to be exact. As a mom of 3 young children, I…
Read MoreHigh School American Literature: A Better Approach
High School American Literature: Often Dark and Depressing When I arrived at college, I was absolutely, 100% convinced that British lit was my jam. American literature could stay on the shelf, for all I cared. Ironically, I adored my high school American literature teacher. I just didn’t enjoy what we read in class. Sadly, my…
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