Trouble Dog by Carol A. Foote

Tucker is nothing but trouble, but a kind new owner helps this trouble dog learn to be a hero in this lively nonfiction picture book.

Trouble Dog: From Shelter Dog to Conservation Hero by Carol A. Foote, illustrated by Larry Day. Eerdmans, 2024. 48 pages.

Tucker has the dubious identity of “trouble dog.” He’s a bundle of energy and hard to control. When you’re a sizable dog, this means you keep returning to the shelter. Even the staff at the shelter tell people not to adopt him because he’s trouble!

Smart dogs are often trouble. They need serious training to channel that energy and intelligence to fruitful ends. And Laura aims to do just that once she meets Tucker at the shelter. She takes him home and gets to work. Laura works with wildlife conservationists, and she trains Tucker to help! Using his keen sense of smell, he manages to track rosy wolf snails, moon bears, mountain lions, elephants, and more. He’s become a conservation dog!

Day’s cheerful, energetic illustrations match Tucker’s boundless energy. Young readers (or listeners) will laugh at the pictures of the havoc wreaked by Tucker when he’s being trouble. But the pictures also show how Tucker uses his nose to help people, too.

Working dogs, or service animals, are nothing new, but most people only think of seeing eye dogs. Dogs are used in many other areas, from arson investigation to diabetes intervention to conservation. Back matter in this book offers lots of information on what conservation dogs do and how they are trained. A selected bibliography is also presented for more information. As someone who has rescued several shelter dogs, one with extraordinarily high intelligence and energy, I found this book fascinating!

Bottom Line: Trouble Dog is a fun nonfiction read to look for at your local library. Young dog owners will especially enjoy!

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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