The Prince of Yorsha Doon is a fun adventurous romp in the form of a picture book for fans of The Wingfeather Saga.
The Prince of Yorsha Doon by Andrew Peterson and illustrated by Kristina Kister. WaterBrook, 2024. 40 pages.
- Reading Level: Picture book, ages 8-10
- Recommended For: Ages 6-12
Yorsha Doon lies just off the edge of the map that Wingfeather fans know. The Prince of this land is missing and must be found. A young boy and girl, along with Oscar N. Reteep, are on the hunt for the young monarch, but finding the Prince involves much head-scratching and riddle-solving.
Bold colors and a style reminiscent of Aladdin will draw young readers into this clever story. Kids who love to solve puzzles and riddles (and spot items in complex pictures) will enjoy the added interactive questions sprinkled throughout. This is a book for Wingfeather fans, and it may not make much sense to those who are new to the Wingfeather world. It’s best as a fun adventurous addition for families who have already met Janner, Tink, and Leeli.
Bottom Line: The Prince of Yorsha Doon is a colorful spinoff from The Wingfeather Saga that’s perfect for young fans of the series.
Considerations: None
Remember, unless a book is starred, a review is not necessarily a recommendation. Read more about our ratings here.
Recommended Reading at Redeemed Reader
- Book Review: The Wingfeather Saga, of course!
- Resource: Gladys Hunt on Metaphor and Imagination
- Book Review: The Promise by Jason Helopoulos takes readers from the beginning of God’s story through the fulfillment of his redemptive purpose, with striking illustrations and compelling prose.
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