*The Last Zookeeper by Aaron Becker

The world is in ruins. Stately architecture is crumbling with foliage emerging from crevices and the only sign of life is animals surviving on islands of dirt who are being cared for by a giant turbine-powered robot. Where will they find hope?

*The Last Zookeeper by Aaron Becker. Candlewick Press, 2024. 40 pages.

The world is in ruins. Stately architecture is crumbling with foliage emerging from crevices and the only sign of life is animals surviving on islands of dirt who are being cared for by a giant turbine-powered robot. Flags at the top of battered circus tents wave above the flood waters while NÖA, the robot, provides foliage, bamboo, and fish for the dependent creatures. At the end of the day it returns to its desk on the covered dock, sits down to write a letter, then sends it away in a sailboat and sits down to wait. 

The storm overnight raises the floodwaters to such a level that the animals barely have a safe place to stand. What can NÖA do to care for them? How will they escape, and where can they go?

*indicates a Redeemed Reader starred review, an outstanding example in its field.

Bottom Line: This lovely wordless story is comparable to the biblical narrative of Noah (complete with a rainbow) and also ties to the Pixar movie WALL-E. As in Becker’s other books, every detail is worthy of attention, and there is real emotion in the hues and body language. Highly recommended.

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Megan Saben

Megan is Associate Editor for Redeemed Reader, and she loves nothing more than discovering Truth and Story in literature. She is the author of Something Better Coming, and is quite particular about which pottery mug is best suited to her favorite hot drinks throughout the day. Megan lives with her husband and five boys in Virginia.

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