Amazing Asia takes readers on a whirlwind tour of the geography, basic history, ethnicities and cultures of the world’s largest and most varied continent.
Amazing Asia: An Encyclopedia of an Epic Continent by Rashmi Sirdeshpande, illustrated by Jason Lyon. Quarto Publications, 2024, 105 pages.
Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 10-12
Recommended for: ages 8-14

The first thing you’ll notice is the size. Second, the gorgeous cover with gold-stamped embellishments. Those things tell you that Amazing Asia is taking on a big task in a big way: to survey the entire content in 100+ pages that will familiarize readers with its variety and complexity. The Introduction sets the stage with a sweeping view of the entire continent and a wraparound timeline of historical highlights. Then a closer look a five regions.
The regions are East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea), South Asia (India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), Southeast (Thailand, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, and others), West Asia (or “Middle East”: Iran, Iraq, Türkiye, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic States), and finally North and Central (Mongolia and the rest of the “‘stans”). Each section follows the same format: a general timeline, “History Spotlights,” people and culture (ethnic groups, arts, food),wildlife and landscapes, spectacular sights (mostly architecture), and a section called “Today, Tomorrow” (present influences and future plans).
The coverage is generally positive–“vibrant” is an oft-used adjective–though the text acknowledges tragedies like Tiananmen Square, mass murders under Mao, and the Taliban’s oppression of women. It tiptoes around the Isreali-Palestinian issue, while acknowledges Palestine as a “country.” The content strives for equal representation of women in historical roles as well as present-day significance. But there are surprising omissions, such as the birth of Islam and Christianity, while Buddhism and Hinduism are covered. Westerners will get lost in the flood of unfamiliar names, but it’s not a book to read straight through. Asia is truly amazing, and this is an enjoyable guide.
Bottom Line: A browseable reference for a basic understanding of the geography and ethnicities of Asia.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Resource: See our “What to Read after Mulan” booklist for books about China.
- Reviews: For other countries in Asia, see our reviews of All Thirteen, Rickshaw Girl, Brother’s Keeper, and Every Falling Star.
- Reviews: Learn how to pray globally with Operation World and Window on the World.
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