*Wang Mingdao by Simonetta Carr

The latest volume of the Christian Biographies series introduces Wang Mingdao, a father of the Chinese evangelical church, to young readers.

*Wang Mingdao by Simonetta Carr. Reformation Heritage, 2023, 63 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10

Recommended for: ages 7-12

NOTE: This is an anchor book is this year’s Summer Reading Challenge.  Get your free reading list, then sign up for further resources, activities, and discounts.

Wang Mingdao was born during the Boxer rebellion, a tumultuous period in Chinese history. His long life encompassed the end of the Chinese Empire, the Japanese invasion, the Communist takeover, and the Cultural Revolution. Though born into a Christian family, as a child Wang had more interest in filling his stomach (not easy for his widowed mother) than feeding his soul. Even during his years in a Christian mission school, he missed the essential doctrine of salvation by faith alone. True conversion came in his early twenties, when he gave up works-righteousness for trust in Christ. The 1920s were a time of spiritual growth as well as successful evangelism with the founding of a quarterly newspaper and a church that eventually grew to hundreds of members.

The establishment of a Communist government in 1949 posed Wang’s greatest challenge. As stated at the beginning of this biography, he didn’t always stand strong. But he learned from his weaknesses and renewed his faith, leading to 39 years of imprisonment—a time he later called his “honeymoon with Jesus.” Simonetta Carr again provides young readers with more than an inspiring story; it’s also a testament to the Holy Spirit’s work in the wider world, which we should know and keep in our prayers.

As with all the biographies in this series, this is a sturdy, handsome volume with thick pages and attractive illustrations. A timeline, interesting contextual facts, and quotes from Wang himself add to the narrative.

Bottom line: a well-researched, age-appropriate biography of a Christian hero worth knowing.

Also at Redeemed Reader:

  • Review: Simonetta Carr’s Church History covers the entire sweep of “Anno Domini” with welcome attention to Asian and African church leaders. Starred review and highly recommended!
  • Reviews: For more volumes in this series (John Calvin, Martin Luther, Anselm, Ireneus, Lady Jane Grey, Olympia Morata, etc.), type “Simonetta Carr” in our search box.
  • Resource: Want more? See our Reformation History Booklist.

Purchase Wang Mingdao from StoryGlory during our summer reading book sale (through June). See details for a 15% discount!

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Janie Cheaney

Janie is the VERY senior staff writer for Redeemed Reader, as well as a long-time contributor to WORLD Magazine and an author of nine books for children. The rest of the time she's long-distance smooching on her four grandchildren (not an easy task). She lives with her equally senior husband of almost-fifty years in the Ozarks of Missouri.

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